chapstick stain

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Ashton's outfit above.

I wait under the bleachers eagerly for Ashton to arrive. I asked for us to meet here so no one could see us, although he thinks it is just so we can have some privacy and time to catch up on our own, which kind of has a ring of truth to it. I do want to spend time catching up with him, not alone because it's romantic but alone because being seen with him would make me lose the repuation I've worked so hard to get.

I pace back and forth, he's taking this fashionably late thing way to seriously. Finally I hear approaching footsteps and assume it's Ashton.

The boy appears infront of me wearing a cute oversized white jumper with leggings and brown boots.

"Hey you." He blushes and tucks in the hair behind his ear.

"Hey yourself. " I step closer and wrap my long arms around him, picking him up off the groud and I spin him in a circle before he giggles and tells me to stop.
I place him back on the ground and the shorter boy stares up at me with eyes glistening with happiness.

"Look I'm sorry I never spoke to you yesterday. I was too nervous to be in the presence of such a beautiful creature." He blushes and smiles at the ground.

"You can make it up to me. Asshole"

"Mind your language, princesses shouldn't use such profanities and about tonight at eight?"

"Sure". His cheeks brighten, I love when he does that.

I lick my lips and admire his, reminiscing what his plump lips felt like on my pierced ones. Ashton wraps his skinny arm around my neck and stands on his tip toes slightly. I lean in an place a soft kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment, tasting the cherry chapstick that is lathered on his lips. I'm not complaining though.

I pull away, only to brush our noses together and then place my lips back to his, I feel him smiling against me so I take the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth and deepen the kiss.

I pull away again, ''Can we? Ashton I need you."

"Not here baby." He lifts up his arms, reminding me that we're under the bleachers. He wouldn't do it here. He was too classy for that, which I respected, so I just leant down, kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly, his head resting on my chest.

The bell rings, Ashton takes my hand so we can walk out together but I pull away, "Gotta go, I'll see you tonight!" And I rush off to class before any one sees us together.

What I'm doing is wrong. I know that. I also know that Ashton deserves a prince that will treat him like the princess he really is. Someone that will declare their love for him from the rooftops. Someone that isn't me. But I can't bring myself to want to let him go, as selfish as that sounds.

I sit at the back of the class room with the boys. "Yo man it was disgusting. The freak bent down right in front of me. I swear I thought I was gonna throw up." Calum laughs, joined by Michael.

"I feel you bro, I swear it was trying to flirt with me yesterday. I was like 'bish don't touch me' and he/she whatever it is was gonna cry like what a pussy!" Michael chimes in.

Knowing who they're talking about breaks my heart but I can't bring myself to say anything.

Silence falls when the poor boy walks in and takes a seat at the front. I stare into my desk pretending not to see Josh throwing scrunched up balls of paper at the back of his head.

Josh decides to take the wind up one step further by getting up and sitting right next to Ashton, getting right up in his face and.. What happens next shatters me. Josh gathers the siliva in his mouth and spits in poor princess' hair.

"What the fuck are you doing!" One of the girls who sits behind Ashton gets up and storms over to Josh, kicking him in the balls.

You go girl. I admire her for having the guts to go against ger friends and sticking up for somone who needs it. Unlike myself.

Once class is over I shamefully make my way to the next, avoiding Ashton and certainly my friends. There's only one person I wanna see.

"Hey what's up hello! Monroe greets me as I walk through the door. ''Waddup duck." I return and slump in the seat next to her.

"Rough day?"

"You guessed it."

Before she could press me, Calum and Michael walk and sit in front of Monroe and I.

"Why so glum looking?" Calum asks her as she stares at her phone whilst looking like she had just heard Harry Styles was dead or something.

She looks at me, then them and says, "Well my new friend is being bullied and I'm not sure what I can do about it. I mean I will gladly kick some ass for them but I can't always be there. You know." She bites her lip.

"What jerks. I hate bullies." Calum says.

"Same." Michael agrees.

Seriously? Wow okay the hypocritical duo, what ever helps you sleep at night. Not that I could talk either since I was letting them get away with it.

The lesson drones on and I spend the rest of it dreaming of my date with Ashton tonight. I had to make the night special to compensate for letting my friends bully him.

Class is finally over and Monroe suggests that we go sit with Ashton.

I lie and tell her I'm going home for lunch and instead ask the lads if they wanna eat outside for a change.

They agree and I listen to them making snide remarks about the boy I was taking on a date tonight with a fake laugh.

"Yeah man. What a freak."

What the hell am I doing with my life?

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