saying goodbye

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Three weeks past and me and Ashton grew closer. The end of my holiday was nearing, I was gutted at the fact I was leaving him but we made the most of our time together.

I spent almost everyday of my holiday with him, going on dates to the cinema, taking long walks together and even bowling. To each date Ashton wore an outfit that drew me in even more. He was captivating.

I think I learned every thing there is to know about a person in the short time we knew each other but we had this connection that neither of us could understand.

Today was our last day together so the atmosphere was sort of gloomy. We walked side by side, fingers intertwined and neither knew what to say. Ashton sighed sadly.

I stopped in our tracks, freed my hand from his only to wrap my arms around him and holding him desperately. He buried his face in my neck. I felt my neck moistening up and I could hear faint sniffles coming from the fragile boy in my arms.

"Sh baby it's okay." I patted his head, kissing his hair.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." He sobbed, finally looking up at me.

"Stop it, okay? You don't smudge your makeup." I soothed him. He smiled weakly and wiped the tears from his cheek.

"Come on. Let's make the most of this and have fun, k? I added. He nodded and we called a taxi over. "Chessington Theme Park please." I informed the driver.
Ashton lay his head on my chest as we rode.

Once we reached our destination and I paid for the tickets (this kid is making me broke) we made our way into the park. "What first princess?"

"Dragons fury!" He squealed like a child and began running towards the roller coaster, dragging me by the hand. I laughed at his eagerness and ran along with him.

We waited in line, Ashton infront of me. I may or may not have checked out his butt in that maroon shirt he wore. He caught me admiring and slapped my arm playfully.

"Hey it's your fault for wearing a sexy skirt. Anyways who wears skirts to amusement parks."

"I do."

"I'm glad." I bent down and kissed his forehead whilst patting his behind. "Stop!" He giggled and wriggled away from me.

It was our turn in line and we sat beside each other on the cart. Soon we took off, hand in hand, both screaming our heads off during the bumpy ride. The cart twisted and turned making us bump in to one another.

"Luke!" He slammed into my side and laughed. I laughed along until the ride came to an abrupt stop. We ran off to the next ride and to the next ocassionally stopping for lunch breaks and candy floss, I don't think I once let go of his hand.

The day came to an end and we silently rode back to Ashton's house. The silence was deadly, full of unspoken promises that we weren't able to keep.

"Wanna come in and hang out for a while?" Ashton asked hopefully as we stood at his front gate.

"Sure." I replied sadly.

We made our way up to his room and lay on his king sized bed, just gazing at each other for a while, sharing sweet pecks.

"Ashton I-" He interupted me by desparately kissing me with a hand tangled in my hair. I moved in closer to deepen the kiss, swipping my tounge between his plump lips. He granted me access by widening his mouth. Our tounges moved together in a soft dance. We needed each other.

My hands travelled down to his behind and I grabbed his cheeks lightly, making him groan against my touch.

He reached for my shirt, pulling it off, and I removed his blue demin jacket carefully, slowly.

"Luke. I want to give you all of me before you leave me." He whispered weakly.

"Are you sure?" I quizzed. He nodded vigourously.

I climbed on top of him again and placed his lips to mines before taking off his tshirt and kissing down his leam stomache. I reached his skirt and pulled it off, revealing his baby pink laced pants that hugged his body perfectly.

"Are you sure?" I asked one more time. "Yes. I need you."

And then I made love to my pretty boy.

It was time for me to leave. I didn't want to go. I wanted him in my arms forever.

"Lukey." He sobbed hysterically as he watched me dress my self.
My eyes were brimming with tears threatening to come out.

I kissed him one last time. "Goodbye my love."

Present day

"Wow." Monroe says to me as we walk into Math class.

"Yup." I reply

"I'm so sorry you lost him, penguin." She hugs me tightly.

"Me too." I frown.



Until the next chapter..


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