The End.

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Years Later,

           Adam smiled, tears running down his face. 89, what an impressive age to live till, how about it. He was the last of his friends to live.
      Him and Ty's wedding had shown that Jason and Kaylee were still alive, and had ever fallen in love. Jason had been brought back, as they had figured out later by Kaylee, who had made a deal with a demon. She was killed by the deal 5 years later, in 2018. Jason had killed himself in the pain of her death, a few months later.
   The month after Jason's death, Ty and Adam had adopted their first child, a boy, named Aj. They had loved him with all their heart and so did all their friends.
    Pewds, passed in 2020, having gotten murdered, which was never solved. His wife Marzia, had disappeared after his death, yet she did sent Adam letters to tell him that she was still alive.
Seto had went missing, and had never been seen, or heard from again. "We miss you.", had been printed on his grave.
    Dawn, the women that had terrorized them for so long, went on to become a lawyer, who sought for justice for the innocent. She had died at the age of 45 of breast cancer.
Kermit and Ant had died peacefully at age 73, and 74respectively.
Jerome, had passed at 83, his house had been raided by hunters, and Jerome didn't make it out alive.
Finally, Ty. He had only passed a year ago, with Adam at his bedside. He had been buried in a flower filled field, near their house. Which left Adam with Aj. Who later, left his home to peruse computer sciences.
   Now, here was Adam. He had managed to turn out all the lights, and now he leaned against his bedroom wall, his heart slowing.
   "I don't want to die." Adam cried out, sobbing loudly into the night.  He ran his fingers over his amulet and let out a dry, vengeful laugh. "I'm dying the way my whole adventure started. In a dark room, against a wall." Adam let out a cry, and slowly slide down the wall until he had fallen onto his backside. This was the end and Adam knew it. He muttered a small goodbye to the world he had known, and passed quietly into the night.
Welcome, to your new home. I've missed you. We've all missed you.

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