Chapter 18

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Ty's Pov

One minute we were in the tubes next under water.

"Ty!" Shadow called

She was pointing to a door. Whoa we can talk! Cool.

"Wait guys." Seto said turning up into squids

"Lets go." I said walking into the door

"Owwww." I said rubbing my head

"Jesus Christ..." Shadow muttered face palming

"Ok let's do this again." I said opening the door

We walked in and acted Squidy?

"Oh there you guys are!" A squid yelled

"Come on Queen Dawn needs you!" He said pulling us with them

He pushed open a door and we walked in.

"There you are Stevin, Felix and Marcy!" She said with a smile

She can smile? Whoa!

"We need to talk about battle plans. " she said

"Here's the plans" she said handing us them

~Time Skip~

"Sound clear?" She said handing us plans

We nodded are heads.

"Good now go."

We bowed and left the room.

"Run...." Shadow whispered

We walked towards the exit and pushed it open. Well that was easy.

"ALERT PLANS LEAVING BASE!" A loud speaker sounded

Never mind.

"Shit....." I muttered

"Run! I'll fight then!" Shadow yelled turning into herself

Me and Seto swam out, but Seto ran back to help.

Shadow's Pov

"Move!" Seto yelled sending a fire ball past me

It hit the squids and me sending me flying. I hit a wall and a PEICE of the ceiling hit my head.

"Are you ok?" Seto said running over to me

" him." I said before blacking out

Seto's Pov

Holy crap! I got to get out if here!

"Ty!" I yelled and he came in

"Help me with her."

Ty picked her up and a dart flew past my head.

"Leaving so soon?" Dawn said coming from a corner

"Leave!" A voice said flying past me tackling Dawn

"You... Bitch!" Dawn yelled trying to get up

"Run!" It screamed

I grabbed Ty and we ran outside.
I closed my eyes and teleported.


Ty's Pov

"Ty!" Sky called out as soon as we teleported

"Here." I said handing him the papers

"Great! Wait what happened to Shadow?" He said taking her out if Seto's arms

"She got launched after my fireball sent the squids flying."

"Oh well. Lets take her to the A&E (ER)." Sky said walking out if the door

Mitch's Pov

Oh I hope there ok. I paced back in forth.

"Mitch?" Jerome said


"There back. But Shadow.." He said with a frown

"Lets go!" I yelled

What happened? I should have went on the mission not her!

I ran faster then I ever have. As I was running I looked up to see Pewds flying around.

"Pewds! Spawn! Now!" I yelled and ran

I ran through the door and down the hall. I stopped at a window where I saw Shadow laying on a hospital bed

Sky's Pov

~At his house~

"What do you want to do?" Ty said cuddling up to me

"Nothing. I'm just glad your safe."

"So what happened?"

"Well we got the plans got attacked had, to leave, someone saved us blah blah blah."

"Wait who saved you?"

"Have no idea it just came by and told us to run."

Hmmm thats odd.

Mitch's Pov

"SETO WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled grabbing him by the shoulders

'Calm down Mitch." Jerome said pulling me off of Seto

"Good news is she didn't break or hurt her self. Bad news she's in a coma." Seto said backing away


"I'm not sure if she'll ever wake up. She may though, but I'm not sure." Seto said leaving

Jerome pulled me into a hug. I felt the tears falling off of my face. She might never wake up echoed in my head


Aghhhh.......School in a couple days. Nooooooooooooo

Also guys we hit 2k! Holy crap I never thought I would hit that thank you guys so much ~Cj




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