Chapter 6

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Sky's POV

Ok I can do this. I just have to tell her were over. I can't love someone who does this to people. Suddenly a bang on the door shook me from my thoughts.

"Hi Dawn." I said with a frown

"What's wrong baby?" She asked sweetly

"I can't date you any more. I can't date someone who supports killing others. I'm sorry." I said looking into her eyes

Dawn just reached in her pocket and pulled out a needle and stuck it in my neck. The last thing I saw before passing out was her evil smile.

Ty's POV

"Thanks Bashur!" I yelled and started making my way through the woods

Till I felt a furry hand on my shoulder.

"Jerome!" I screamed and turned around

"Hey buddy! Where have you been? We've been worried sick!" He said hugging me

"Since I was injured a guy that lives in the forest helped me out."

"Oh well that's great! Here hop on my back we're heading home!" He yelled

I hopped on his back holding on with one hand and we went speeding through the forest till we reached where my spawn used to be.

I could feel the tears in my eyes. It's gone! There's nothing! Just ruble and fire.

"It's ok buddy. We can rebuild!" Jerome said patting my back

"Come on buddy lets go home everyone is worried." Jerome said flashing me a half smile

I nodded my head and we walked out of one of my old exits. Before leaving I turned around to look at what used to be my spawn.

"Race you!" Jerome yelled and took off down the road

"Hey no fair!" I screamed and raced after him trying to not hurt my arm

Sky's POV

I woke up laying down on what seemed to be a iron table.

"Huh? What the hell is happening?"

"Oh good he's awake!" I herd a deep voice say from across the room

"Huh? Let me go!" I screamed

"Oh shut up already!" He yelled

Suddenly I felt about 3 needles getting stabbed into my arm.

"AHHHH!" I screamed

My vision got foggy so I couldn't see the think sticking needles in me.

Next I felt a needle getting stabbed in the bottom of my foot. Why are they doing this? The next needle was in my other arm.

"AHHHH STOP!" I screamed in pain

After about half am hour they finally stopped stabbing me all over.

"Ok he's good." Was the last thing I herd before going into a deep sleep

Ty's POV

We both reached the house at the same time panting. We walked in. The house to see.......No one? Wow I though they would be sitting on the couch crying there eyes out.

"Hey Doodz!" I herd from the kitchen

Mitch? Why was he here?

"Hey!" I called out

"Oh thank god you're safe! Everyone was so worried!" Mitch said giving me a hug

"Owwwww!" I screamed

"Oh sorry! I didn't notice the sling."

"We'll were heading out call us or anyone if you need something." Mitch smiled and ran outside with Fluffy right behind him.

Ok what to so know? I could work on a plan to save Adam. Nah I'll just go outside. I climbed up to my bedroom and walked out on to the deck to watch the sun set.

That's when something ghost like appeared in front of me. Wait a minute that ghosts looks to familiar!

"Jason?!" I whispered

"Hi Ty." He said his pale face smiling

"What? How? How are you doing this?" I said

"I found a way to become a ghost and talk to you for a while. I've been watching over you Ty." He said smiling

"So when I was in the woods..........." My voice trailing off

"Yep! I led Bash to you!" He said still smiling

"But that's not the point. I came here to help you."

"With what?"

"With what? To save Adam! See we need to come up with a plan and I thought you might need some help."

"Yea I guess I could use some help......."

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