Chapter 9

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Sky's POV

I woke up to see that headphones kid looking down at me. Huh? How did I get out here? Oh right! I was drowning and I guess he saved me.

"ADAM!" He screamed and kissed me

Da hell? He pulled back and I could see the blush on his face.

"Sorry. Got a little excited......." He trailed off

"Ummm. Ok? Anyways I need to ask you this am I Sky?"

"You don't remember who you are?" He said shaking his head

"Yea I don't even know you or that Mitch guy."

"All right come on follow me. We have a funeral to attend." He said his eyes full of sadness

Not questioning him I followed him over a hill that lead to a large field.

Ty's POV

He doesn't remember me or anyone for that matter. Well I better bring him to Jason's funeral it may spark something in him.

We walked up the hill and walked to a field. I could see everyone there. When they looked towards me I could see there faces light up like a Christmas trees. I'm guessing they Quentin didn't tell them.

"SKY!" They screamed and ran over to him

"Who are you people?" Adam said backing away from them

"We're you friends......" Jerome said trailing off

"Guys can we talk." I said pulling them away from Adam

"He doesn't remember us. That's why I brought him here to maybe spark a memory." I said whispering

Sky's POV

I'm crazy! They don't like me. Are we friends or what? I guess I'm with the wrong people. That's when a little stone sticking out of the ground caught my eye. I walked over to it to see it was a grave stone. It read

'Here lies Jason *insert rest of name here* Died a brave fighter in the hands of his best friend. Now he shines like his army a star. (Get it because he calls his fans stars......No ok.....)'

Dies in the arms of his closet friend. Does that mean me? That's when suddenly it came back to me. Me,him, the kids with the headphones. What's his name? Ty! We were in this field all day that one day! The day I saved Ty from that bully. Does that mean? I ran away from the group hoping I didn't forget where it is!

Ty's POV

Where the hell is he going?

"Adam! Come back!" I screamed but he kept running
What did I do? Ok where did he go? Over there!

There he was sitting under the only tree in the whole field. He had something yellow in his hands and he was rubbing his fingers over it.

"Adam, please don't do that again!" I said hugging him

"Sorry I just remembered being here with you and Jason."

He remembers?! Words can't describe how happy I am!

"I see you found the butter that we all carved are names into."

"Yea." He said tracing are names

"How about we go home and get some samwhiches?"

"YEA!" He yelled a took off

I guess he does remember some things.

Sky's POV

I ran towards the house till I herd an all to familiar voice

"Hi Adam."

I whipped my head around to see Dawn. Who would have guessed?! (Sarcasm)

"TY!" I screamed and took off towards him

"Hey! Come back here you wuss!" Dawn yelled

Ok where's Ty? Over there! Wait is that a squid?

"Ty! Look out!" I screamed and he turned around
The squid tried to grab Ty, but something flew past him and sent the squid into a wall.

"Got you!" Dawn said and grabbed my hand
I watched her pull out a needle filled with blue liquid.

"Nope!" Screamed a voice and Dawn was on the ground

I grabbed Ty and pulled him towards the house. We got inside and slammed the door.

"Ty? I'm scared!" I said

"It's ok" Ty said hugging me

?????'s Pov

I tackled that crazy blitch to the ground.

"Leave them alone!" I screamed in her face

"Oh if it isn't you. Are you like there guarding angle or something?" Dawn said trying to get up

"You make Sky a monster! You took away his memory and now every time you stab him with that needle he goes ape! I just!" I said grabbing Dawn by her shirt collar

I grabbed her and ran across the world till I was far away from them.

"Have fun!" I said and ran off


I know you hate me because I haven't updated, but I'll try to get chapters out more often I promise! -Caycee

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