Chapter 19

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Pewds' Pov

I took off fully speed towards the A&E. I ran in and sprinted down the hall way till I stopped at glass window. I looked inside to see Shadow laying on a hospital bed. I tapped on the glass and Seto came out.

"Bad news. She's in a coma. She may wake up but I'm not so sure.

"Du sa att du skulle skydda henne att du SONS KF SATKÄRINGAR" I yelled at a very confused Seto and ran outside

I need to clear my mind. I flew to the bay and sat down on a dock. Why did this happen?

Mitch's Pov

Jerome left as soon as Pewds came, but he's gone. I just can't believe she's not awake. I miss her even though she's right next to me. I just AGHHHH
I got up and laid next to her. I pulled her close to me and fell asleep.

Pewds's Pov

I saw someone sitting on the other side of the bay. I flew over to see it was Sky.

"Are you ok?" I asked landing next to him

"No, I love Ty but-

"Butts are for sitting. Imagine this no one matters, but Ty. Forget about an problems. Do you love him?"

Sky thought for a moment.

"Yes" he said finally

"Good! Then run to him!" I yelled and he took off running

Times like these I miss Mariza.

Sky's Pov

After Pewds' prep talk I ran home.

"Ty!" I yelled running into the house.

"Yea?" He said coming over to me

"Ty, I love you. I've loved you for a while and I know we've been through so much shit. Will you date me?" I asked

"Yes!" He yelled kissing my check

Make a mental note to thank Pewds.

I herd a bang outside.

"You again? What the hell? He hates you and besides he'll be dating Ty soon I know it. So just leave." A voice said from outside

"No! What are you there guardian?" A voice like Dawn said

"Yea. Ever since you did that to my sister. To me. To Adam." It said
Me and Ty ran outside to see something dragging Dawn into the darkness

"Adam!" She yelled

"Sorry Dawn I'm taken." I said and kissed Tu on the check

"Haha! Yes! Skylox for days!" The voice yelled and pulled Dawn away

Me and Ty went back in and we cuddled on the couch till we fell asleep.

~Next morning~

Pewds's Pov

I woke up in a tree. The fu- oh yea. I was to lazy to fly home.

I got up and looked over the bay. I saw a couple squids laughing. I flew over to them and grabbed one.

"Hey! Put me down! This is squid abuse!" He yelled

"You hurt my sister." I yelled and snapped him neck

I felt my pocket move and I pulled out my little stature friend. I don't have a name for him yet. I flew around trying to clear my mind.

Mitch's Pov

I woke up with Shadows body still next to me. I shock her.

"Shadow? Wake up! Please!" I said crying

I checked her arm. Ok good she still has a pulse.

Sky came in a few minutes later.

"How is she?" He asked walking over

"Not any better not any worse."

"That's a shame. You guys were so cute together."

Noooo school starts in a couple hours and I have purple hair still! I got to a private school so that's bad. We can't have this. Fuckkkkkk. Any ways the reason I haven't been writing is because I have been dealing with sucidel thoughts and depression. All your nice comments gives a reason to live another day. I don't know where I would be without you guys.~Cj




Squids,Love,ButterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt