Chapter 14

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Ty's Pov

"Bash!" I yelled and ran over to him

"It's been so long. Like 10 chapters!"

(Me: Ty! You can't do that! You just broke the fourth wall! Now shut the fuck up! This never happened!)

"Well anyways this is Sky or Adam." I said pointing to him

"Hello! Names Bash!" Bash yelled tackling him

"Hi...Bash..." Sky chocked out

"Sorry about that." Bash said getting up

"Can I ask a favor? See Pewface has gone missing and I can't find him."

"Yea! Me and Adam are on the case!" I said grabbing his hand and putting it up in the air

"Ok let's get moving!" Bash yelled and ran towards the forest

Bajan's Pov

I started pacing back and forth. Where's Shadow? I hope Jerome can find her.

"Mitch?" I herd behind me

"SHADOW!" I yelled and put my arms around her.

"Ow."She squeaked

"Sorry. What happened to your arm?" I said panicking

"It's a long story. Cut it short I beat the crap out of Dawn."

"Where's Jerome?"

"He dropped me off and went to do something." She said smiling

"I was worried sick."

"Oh I'm sorry. It's just I knew they were in trouble and I had to save him."

"Want to go play a prank on Jerome?"

"Yea!" She yelled and ran towards the door

Pewds's Pov

I paced around the kitchen. What to do? I could go and wait what the bloody hell? My back it hurts! Ok just run to that Seto guys house he can help.

I opened the door the pain in my back getting worse. I started running towards his tower thingy.

"Seto!" I yelled before fainting

Ty's Pov

I pulled Sky with me as we raced to Bash's house.

"Whoa." I stopped dead in my tracks

Bash house was ruined. Blue paint all over broken vases,paintings,and other crap.

"Yea. You can kinda see crap went down." Bash said picking up a piece of painting

"Rob-ot tried to protect Bashur." A voice came from upstairs.

"What no!" Bash yelled and ran upstairs

"He ran out of power! Bash yelled with clutched fists

"Can't you just get him more power?" Sky said coming up the stairs

"Yea, but that's a lot of work and I'm lazy."

"#firstworldproblems....." Sky muttered

I looked at Bash and we broke out laughing. That's the Sky I know and love!

Shadow's Pov

We tied and bucket of water just above Jerome's door frame. I walked away from Mitch.

"Jerome!" I yelled

I herd him waking over to the door and right as he opened it Mitch dropped the water on him.

"Ahhh!" Jerome called out in surprise

"Hahahahah! We got you good!" Mitch said laughing

"Raw!" Jerome yelled and tackled me

"Wha- Stop! Jerome! Please!" I yelled as he tickled me

"Wait I can help!" Mitch yelled and started ticking me

"Nooooo! Mitch why!" I yelled laughing

I closed my eyes and teleported behind Jerome.

"Boo!" I yelled

"Ahhhh! God I forgot about that!" Jerome said laughing

Pewds's Pov

I woke up on a couch.

"Oh your awake!" Seto said walking over to me

"What's happening?" I said the pain in my back returning

"Well you see...... I never thought you would be the one to get this power, but...... Your power is being fearless."

"Then why does my back hurt?" I said

"Well being fearless you can kinda fly......" Seto trailed off

"What!?" I yelled

"Yea. That pain in your back was umm your 'wings' " He said and pulled a mirror over to me

"Holy Shit!" I yelled
These wings weren't no baby wings they started at just below my shoulders and ended at just below my waist. They looked about 3 feet wide and were a tan color.

"I wouldn't try flying for a while. It might hurt a bit after all you did just grow wings." Seto said laughing

"People always said only one person in a family get powers."

"Not all the time. Your just......'special' "

"Well thanks Seto." I said walking out


Yes I did just update a book at 5:30 in the morning. I'm sorry I missed yesterday! Just this chapter got deleted like 3 times so I had to keep rewriting. So 2 chapters today! The other one will be up later! ~Cj




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