Chapter 12

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Ty's Pov

"So what did I miss?" I said walking into the living room

"Nothing. Me and Pewds were just hanging out." Sky said

"Cool. I got pizza." I said and went into the kitchen

Shadow's Pov

Mitch came down to me sipping at the hot chocolate. He's so adorable! But someone must be dating him. Like who wouldn't?

"Shadow?" Mitch spoke


"Is your power being like an endemen?" He asked

"Yea it is and your power is....." I asked

"I can sneak up on people and well kill them. I'm like an assain. So I guess you could say I have the element of surprise." Mitch said

"So are you dating anyone?" I asked

Oh please let him say no!

"No. I'm single and ready to mingle!" He said smiling

I looked out the window. It was still raining. I put down my mug and ran towards the door.

"Catch me if you can!" I yelled laughing and I ran out into the rain

"Hey! Come back!" Mitch yelled chasing after me

I spun around in the rain and slashed in puddles. Hey where's Mitch? I walked past some plants and something tackled me.

"Got you!" Mitch said laughing

I looked at him as he laughed he's so bloody cute!

Mitch's Pov

Well it's now or never. I was on top of her so I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Oh please tell me this was a good idea!

Shadows's Pov

He leaned in and kissed me. HOLY SHIZZEL! He does have feeling for me.

"Shadow I'm sorry I just don't...." He said

But I cut him off with a kiss. This was like a perfect kiss in the rain. The only kiss that happens in books. But I'm not a character in a book? Am I?

"I love you Mitch." I whispered

"I love you too Shadow." He said putting his head on my shoulder

Sky's Pov

How will I keep my promise to Pewds. I have no idea where he came from. That's when a knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. Ok it's like 1 in the morning. I have a very bad feeling about this.

I walked over to the door and as lighting flashed I saw Dawn's face. HOLY SHIT! That was terrifying

She opened the door and came closer to me.

"Hi Adam."

Well only one plan.

"FELIX! TY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs like a little girl

"What?!" She said looking confused

Ty came running down the stairs with Pewds behind him

"Oh hell no!" Pewds said pulling out a knife

"Where the hell did you get a knife?!"

"I found your kitchen."

Dawn just stood there and slowly started backing towards the door.

"We'll I'll just go........." She said trying to run out

"Nope!" Ty yelled and tackled her

Ty grabbed her and pulled her up.

"Silly boys. You think they call me Queen squid for no reason?" She said as a tentacle shot out of her back

Oh shit..... She hit Ty sending him to the ground while she pushed Pewds away. I saw Pewds drop the knife.

"Lets go!" She said grabbing me

"Oh wait one more thing." She grabbed the knife and stabbed Pewds arm

She grabbed me with the tentacle. She ran out of the door and started running toward he ocean. Oh great now that I know my friends I'm going to lose them again! Great!

Shadow's Pov

For some reason something seems wrong. I don't know what, but I have a bad feeling. I should go check on Pewds. I don't care if he's a sleep! I need to say if something's wrong. I tried to move away from Mitch. We were cuddling (get this adorable picture in your head).

I moved away from him and kissed his forehead and touched my headphones.

Holy crap! What happened! I saw my brother with a knife in his arm and Ty laying on the floor knocked out. I touched my headphones and teleported to Sky.

He was getting carried by a girl with blue and purple hair. She had a tentacle coming out if her back. Holy crap that's scary.

"Hey! Put him down Bitch!" I yelled

Holy crap I never cursed. I never had this side of me. The anger it was boiling inside of me. Seeing my brother hurt, Sky getting kidnapped everything just.

She turned around and looked me in the eye.

"Oh are you the Felix's sister? I herd then talking about how ugly you are!" She said laughing

"And that idiot brother! I should have stabbed him through the heart!" She said laughing

"OH HELL NO!" I screamed and tackled her


This is the most I've updated this book. Ever. It's because off all you nice people! 
There will be a chapter later with there powers in it later! 
Also I have a Slyfoxhound story going up later! Byeeeeeeee~Caycee

Squids,Love,ButterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ