Chapter 13

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Sky's Pov

Ok this side of Shadow is scary. She's must have gotten very offended by Dawn.

Shadow's Pov

I tackled her and she let go of Sky.

"Sky run!" I yelled and he took off running

I slapped her and she pushed me off.

"Oh let's go!" She screamed and punched me in the jaw

I grabbed her hair and tossed her to the ground. I herd someone call out my name, but I was to angry to care.

I grabbed Dawn and punched her in the stomach.

Dawn grabbed me and shoved me to the ground. I herd who I think was Pewds yell


Thanks Pewds. Your helping.

Dawn kicked me in the ribs till I teleported and grabbed her from behind. She knocked me off and punched me in the face. Owwe I could feel my nose bleeding.

"Aghhh! You win this round!" Dawn yelled and took off

"Are you ok?" I felt Pewds grabbing me

"Yea. Lets get back." Pewds picked me up bridle style and took me to Sky's house. He put me down on there couch and went to get Ty.

"Wow. She messed you up." Ty said


"Yea, but she messed Dawn up bad. Dawn was barely walking." Pewds said making punching motions

"Well I should go call Seto. He can use his magic to see your broken bones." Ty said and left to get the phone

~ One Phone call later~

Seto came in a touched my forehead.

"Yea she has a broken arm. Seto said getting up and leaving

"Ok Pewds you go get the splint thing it's in the closet up stairs." Ty said and went to get me a wash cloth

Ty wiped my face off and got the blood off.

"It looks like you have a black eye." Ty said pointing to my left eye

"Where's Adam?" I asked

"Heys up stairs sleeping."

Thank god! I was worried he didn't get back.

"Here!" Pewds said running down the stairs

~One cast thingy later~

"It feels weird." I said poking the cast

"It's not that broken so you only need it on for a week." Ty said getting up

"Should I go get Mitch?" I asked

"Yea you could go. Just be careful." Ty said and went into the kitchen

As I walked outside I saw Jerome? What was he doing?

"Hey! Jerome!" I yelled and ran over to him

"Oh thank god!" He yelled and put his arms around me

"I thought you were hurt. Mitch called me after you left.he thought someone took you." He said hugging me tighter

"We'll Sky was in trouble so I had to save him." I said pulling away

"Well lets get to Mitch. Hop on."

I jumped on Jerome's back and we ran to Mitch's house

Sky's Pov

I woke up with memories of last night still in my head.

"Good morning Ty." I said giving him a kiss on the check

"Good morning to you to." He said kissing me back

"So how's Shadow?" I asked

"She's fine just a broken arm, black eye."

"Oh thank god."

"Hey Sky I was wondering if you wanted to go meet one of my friends."

"Yea! Sure. Where does he live?"

"Just past my spawn in the forest."

"Cool lets go!" I yelled and ran outside

We walked to Ty's spawn and I saw his face drop. It wasn't like my spawn. People laughing. Playing pranks. No. It was destroyed and broken. A few people were in there. Putting flowers by a grave.

"Is that......." I trailed off

"Yea. It's his memorial." Ty said trying not to cry

"It's ok." I said rubbing his back

"Ty?!" I guy screamed from across the spawn


Holy crap 2 chapters in one day?! And to Shadowblackcat10 and Bakrualover12 you guys are so nice! I love you guys! And everyone else's who read this story! - Cj




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