#13 grandmas house

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"Soooooo....... Who are you talking about."

"I think you should guess."

"Is it the girl holding the baby?"

"Nope, she's around here somewhere."

"Okay, is that her right there on a guys back."

"She's closer than you think."

"Ugh I'm tired of guessing." I sighed

"Then say who it is."he said smiling down on me.

"If I do it will be weird." I said.

"Okay I'll say it its ,you."

"You?who's you I thought it was me and me was very happy too. That rhymes though "

He chuckled and boy did it sound sexy as fuck.

"Adassa your the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

"Really, even though I know who it is, it sounds better when you say it." I say smiling
"I have to go but I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye." I waved goodbye and headed to the front of the mall.


This reminds me of Cinderella I'm running out of time and I leave the prince behind oooh that rhymed though. The only thing about it is I don't leave nothing behind and if I did he knows me so he could just give it to me tomorrow at school.

I hop in the car and I ask .

"Where are we going?"

"To grandma's house."
"Which one?"

"Dads mom duh."

"Oooohhhhh okay."

I knock on the door and when it opens I see my grandma.

"What are you children doing here.?" She says while I hug her.

"Grandma I'm not a child I'm an adult." Ben whines.

"Well your my children ."

"Have you seen dad?" Debby ask.

"No I haven't he left a few hours ago. He then came back for lunch and then left I don't know where he's at."

"Alright thanks grandma."

"You children better come in you know  to visit me and stay to eat."

"That's why I suggested this place last." Ben whispered to us.

"Benjamin I'm not death."

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