#18 confession of my past

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Adassas POV

"It started when i was ten."
"My parents were always traveling so I had to live with my best friends parents and that's Derek ."

I could tell he was in pain saying this I can't let him.

"You don't have to tell me, im not forcing you." I said in the most lowest voice ever but he heard and said, "but I want to you deserve to know, so you won't seem confused I have to tell you my past."

I just nodded my head and he continued.

"Every year they say they would come visit me for a few months but they call and say we can't make it."

"See thats the thing I would rather be poor on the street with a family than me being feed well but my parents are no where to be seen."

"This year a few months ago my parents called, I assumed they were going to say they wouldn't make it but they said they are coming home for good."

He sighed.

"I was so excited I threw a party, like literally but it was just me derek and his family."

He started crying I don't know what to do now. He was crying I wanted to start crying. Tears are contagious to me but I can't cry,i don't show my tears with people around. Ever since............ nevermind.

I started hugging I knew it was helping because he calmed down.

"In the beginning of the year I was all myself, a few years ago I asked derek to show me how to hide weakness."
"So he told me to act "badass" thats why I acted like all mean to you. It wasn't me and you showed me myself again. I was excited the night before I seen you in the gym. I was like a drunken person. Anyways while my mom was speaking I heard doors and doctors. My mom was telling me how her and dad on their way to here they got in a car crash. Thats why I have a motorcycle now I know its stupid but thats how I feel. I started hearing beepers go crazy the last words I heard from her was I love you but she was saying out of breath I couldn't get the word right but I know she said I love you. Everything bad always happens to me and my family. The worst thing about it is that I don't know where they are and I can't visit they could be dead!

I was so angry and sad everytime I come here it brings all the happy memories of my family because this is our house. I only sleep out here I know crazy but I can't sleep in my room nor I the house for that matter.
My parents used to always tuck me into bed when I was 10 I had to get used to the fact that they won't tuck me in.
The only way I would sleep is if I cry myself to sleep. I remember my mom singing to me even though I had a terrible voice but i imaged her singing."

"Wow. I didn't expect that much of an answer but wow. If I was that type that showed pity I would so say sorry right now but I hate pity so much and what are people saying sorry for I don't know."

"Derek and his family does that to me everyday im so happy you don't do that."

I sighed

"So.... what about you?" He asked turning to face me.

"What is there to know?"
I questioned.

"Why do you seem independent alot of times and different?"

"I don't know sorry I can't answer that."

"Oh come on I just spilled everything out to you."

"But I never reacted different its just me. But if you really want to know my sad and dreadful past im gonna warn ya it is pretty long."

"Go for it."

"Before I start what time is it."

"I don't know."

"Um.... luke you have a watch on your arms."

"Oh yeah right um........"

"Wow people need to learn how to read counter clock can I see it please."

He took it off and gave it to me.

"Its 12:21pm."

I gave it back to him.

"So you keep watches for a design."

"On with the story." He said.

"Yes papa." Saying papa or dad or daddy makes me want to cry. Im gonna promise myself not to cry but right now I have a feeling im gonna break that promise especially when people comfort me.

"It was my eighth grade graduation."

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