#19 school was.......

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"It was my eighth grade graduation. Everyone was happy everything was normal. Until a few weeks later in the summer we found out that my-"
A tear slipped down my face. I looked down before he could see it and I wiped it away.

"My grandpa caught second hand smoke because of the people he hung out with. Since he was older his lungs collapsed he passes out time to time. The doctor also said that around February when he came for his appointment he caught a disease. It was very contagious so he had to stay in the hospital. My dad he was going crazy my mom tried to confort him and calm down and leave somewhere. He even stopped taking us to the gym.
I was not only crying for my gandpa but my dad too.

It was just crazy my dad was punching walls making himself bleed he would cry at night. I would always go to him to comfort him. Or my sister.
We would always pray and pray that he would stay alive. He always told me debby and ben my brother to be strong and never cry keep your tears inside.

"It was the next year January when the doctors called us and said-"

Tears were wanting to fall down my eyes so much but I held then back.

"They said were sorry but we dis everything we could to keep him alive. Im sorry for your love one. I was so angry but my dad was the angriest of all. Every time he sees someone smoking or drinking he would smack it away thats how he always started fights. He says it a way of letting relief and anger I also warned them. So a few weeks later he left and stopped coming back home.
Friday or Sunday I think my siblings and I were looking for him we couldn't find him that night my mom and him were arguing when he left we went to the um...... underground. I never felt so free before in months."

"Every night I sing and cry myself to sleep. I even play different instruments."

"Every night I would voice mail him saying goodnight and iff he would come back. Debby and I believe that he will come back even it seems as if hes barely there to see us. Anyways everything was falling apart in 9th grade in 7th grade rosalina and rosetta moved so they had no clue of what happened. I ask my mom if I could go to a different school so no one recognizes me she did.
I love my family so much I dont want anything else bad to happen to us. I feel so broken but imagine how my mother or father feels or debby or benjamin. I know how I truthfully feel. But I want to know how they feel so I can make their pain go away. I can't take it anymore It hurts seeing them like that behind their mask they are hurt and I can feel it spiritually it a family connection. Dad is the main person we need to make us whole again I feel like im the only person who still has hope and love. But-"

A tear slips away and I wipe it away.

"But I don't know if I can believe still."

"Adassa don't say that you are the most faithful trusting and living person I have ever met you can't bring yourself down like that."

He hold my face up but I looked away I hate it when people do that and im ticklish there its supposed to be a serious moment.

"Adassa look at me you can't run away from faith even if it means nothing at the end which it will at least you learned how to be stronger and endure. I have faith I will have my family back. I even have an older brother whos somewhere and a younger sister somewhere too. But I believe I will have my family as a whole again. Who know maybe even make a new family in the future."
He chuckles and I give him a small smile.

He looks into my eyes I look into his. A tear slips away and he wipes it away.

He leans forward. He wispers in my ear.

"Adassa I don't want to be to forward so im gonna ask can I kiss you?"

I close my eyes for a second I look down. I don't know im so nervous right now I never ever kissed anyome before. Without even thinking I nod.

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