Chapter 2

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My vision goes dark, my head spinning round and round. There was smoke all around and soon enough I hear sirens come. I am unable to move, but all I wanted to know is, was she alright.
"Sara!" I yell, at the top of my lungs, or as loud as my body allowed. "Sara" I cry out begging for a response. Nothing. "Babe!" I scream feeling tears rolling down my cheeks. And then, Like a flood the tears starting pouring out  and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

The sound of the sirens approach getting louder. Soon enough I hear foot steps and yelling.
"Get the debris off of them!" Says a mans voice loudly" many quick footsteps started coming close as I hear large metal pieces moving, scraping on the ground.
"Get the girl!" I hear a woman yell.
"What's her condition?" Another man asks, as I felt someone pull me out from under the car wreckage.
"Critical" answered the first woman. "Her airbag seemed to malfunction. Let's get her to the hospital. Now!"
"How about the boy?" Asked a voice
"He seems fine. Just looks like some superficial cuts. he's  knocked out though. His  airbag saved him" I hear someone yell. Still unable to move or speak, all my energy drained away from me, I felt myself lifted up on into the ambulance. And I was able, for maybe a second, to open my eyes, look out of the corner of my eye, and see my love, with blood covering her body, as they carried her to the ambulance and I let out a scream as loud as possible. And then, for the second time, my vision went dark.


I wake up on a soft hospital bed, with soft linen sheets covering me. A cotton and paper robe on my body.
"he's up" I hear a nurse say. And a few doctors rushing over. The first words out of my mouth were,
"Sara!" A tear running down the Side of my face, and I tastes the saltiness of the drop pass my lip. "Sara." I begin to pant, quickly for air. "How is she? Where's my girlfriend? They said she was in bad condition!" I say. "Tell me!!" I practically scream breaking down completely.
"Mr queen. I'm so sorry to inform you, sHe hasn't woken up yet. But the good news is she is in stable condition. Her vitals seem to be functioning fine. She should be waking up soon." Says the doctor  in a manner to calm for my liking
"It's all my fault." I say "This is all my fault. I wasnt paying attention to the road. I didn't see the truck until it hit us. If she dies its my fault. How could I do this to her?" I cry into my hands, my voice low, my eyes red, not able to bare the thought of A world without Sara.
"I am truly sorry" says the doctor, this time he sounded sincere.
"I need to see her. I need to see her now. " i say rushing to get our of the cot.
"That is not advised mr Queen." You sprained your ankle during the accident. You can not walk, at least for now." Says the doctor.
"I don't care" i said not paying attention to a single word of his warning. I put my feet on the ground, but as soon as I put my weight on my right ankle I screamed in pain.
"Mr Queen. You can not walk.  That's an order". Says the doctor. This time I listen to him, but I repeat myself.
"I need to see her Now."
I am soon brought a wheel chair, and brought to the room where I see my beautiful angel sprawled across a bed. Machines are connected to her watching her heart beat. She is cleaned up in a clean robe. Her normally perfect hair is messy, no longer straightened, but rather a mess of knots. I see blood stains covering her body. And even so, she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. SHe was always the strongest person I knew. When her mother died a few years back, she stayed strong, but now she seemed so vulnerable. Her eyes were closed, as if she were sleeping. I wonder what she's dreaming about... What's going on in that incredible brain of hers. My face drops into my hands and the tears pour out uncontrollably. My angel is hurt and it's my fault. I cried for a long time, at least it feels like it, until a nurse comes in to check in on her and says she needs the room. I grudgingly leave, waiting outside her door, looking at her through the window. As I stare at her through the glass on the door, I hear loud  heels walking down the hall way. I look up and see my mother, running down the hospital halls, tears in her eyes.
"My baby! What happened? Are you okay?" She asks hurriedly, I see the worry in her eyes.
"I'm fine ma. I'm fine." I point to the window and she looked in, seeing Sara, unconscious.
"Oh my god. What happened to her?" Asked my mother. "Is she gonna be okay.? Please say she's going to be okay." My mother cried, strain in her eyes. My mother and Sara had been very close, especially after her mom passed. I see tears welling up In my moms eyes, begging me to say something. To tell her everytbing is going to be alright.
"I don't know ma." I said bluntly. "I don't know!" I repeat this time screaming and beginning to cry again.
"Mr queen" I hear a voice behind me. "We need to take you back to your room to take an x Ray." I nod, and I'm wheeled to my room as I give a final glance the love of my life.

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