Chapter 5

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And for the next two days I went back to starling general hospital and hoped my prayer would come true.

Eventually it did. After the third day after my visit to the church my one burning  desire came true. I guess God is real, and I promised myself from then on to go to church more often.

I was sitting by her bed, holding her hand, my daily ritual for the last 2 and a half weeks when I saw her heart monitor spike. I looked up, and yelled
"Get a doctor something changed" and I looked back down at her making sure she was okay and saw her gasp for air, her body moving for the first time.
"Sara" I yelled looking down at her, my hands holding her face. "Sara!" I said feeling tears roll down my cheeks. "Sara. Your awake. Your awake!!" I yelled, happier than I had ever been. "Your didn't leave me, I didn't lose you!"
"I'm awake" she said smiling, tears running down her beautiful face. "You're never gonna lose me baby. Promise"
"Oh my gosh your awake. I can't believe it. Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I said
"Your not dreaming babe. I'm awake" she said weakly. "I really thought I was a goner there" she continued in a joking manner still tearing up, lying on her bed.
"Don't say that baby. Don't say that. You scared the shit out of me." I said still crying.
"I'm sorry babe. I love you" she responded
I answered her with a kiss. The kiss I had dreamed of, the words I had dreamed of saying to her for the last 2 weeks.
"I'm so happy baby. I'm so happy. I love you so much. I love you more than you can imagine." I said as fast as my mouth could form the words.
"That's all I ever want baby. Is for you to be happy."
"I've missed you so much"
"You were with me the whole time" she responded and we kissed again. By that time the doctor had entered the room.
"Sara! Your up!" He said delightedly.
"I'm up" she said confirming his statement.
"Well we're just going to have to run a few tests, okay? See how you're doing. If everything goes well, Hopefully you'll be going home by the end of tkmrrow." He said smiling.
"Your Gonna go home baby. We're gonna go home." I said.
"You are my home." She said. "And your with me now. I am home."
I kissed her again. Just feeling so lucky so happy.


The doctor came back with test results and said everything was stable, except they saw a slight issue in the heart, but it occurred in many and it was nothing to worry about. She should be out by tomrrow evening.
"Thank you dr Wilson. Thank you so much."
"Of course mr queen. We're just glad your girlfriend is okay." He said as he left the room.
When the door shut, and I heard the click of the lock and I looked at Sara the way I had never looked at anyone else.
" baby I can't wait any longer, I can't wait anymore. I almost watched you die babe. I can't wait for one more second."  I said when the doctor left. I was sitting g in the chair next to her bed, holding her hand, rubbing circles in the back of it with my thumb.
"Wait for what?" She asked confused.
"2 weeks ago I thought I had lost you forever. That was the worst night my life. But now I have you again and I want to have you forever. Baby, will you spend the rest of your days with me and be my wife?" I asked, taking out the box with the ring it. The ring I had kept in my pocket for the last 2 weeks, shaking, I was so nervous for her answer.
"Yes. Of course. I love you" she answered tears once again making an appearance in her gorgoeus face. "Of course I'll marry you!" And with that I neared my self to her, wiped away one of her tears with my thumb, pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her. And now, I was sure if it, all my prayers, all my dreams had come true.

But happiness only lasts for so long.

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