Chapter 9

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I woke up his morning, with one intention on my mind. Not finishing my new 20 page paper, or completing my argument for my new pro-Bono case, or even the meeting with Mr. Steele that could change my future At Palmer Law forever. No, today I woke up with only one thought running through my mind, Felicity. Just her name going through my head. Over. And over. And over. I mean, I didn't know much more about her besides her name. Call me a creep but as a lawyer it's my job to find out as much as I can about a person in short notice, so maybe I knew a little more than just her name.
MIT Class of 09'. Graduated with honors and at the top of her class. Grew up in Vegas, but moved to Starling City, to work for Palmer Law, IT. Those were the basics.
But I knew more than that. I knew that her father abandoned her when she was little, I know she had earned a full ride to MIT or not she wouldn't have been able to afford it, but I also knew she was a hacktavist. A infamous group on the MIT campus, they claimed that their intentions were for "the greater good".
She seemed so innocent, so simple on the outside, but really, she was a complex person, many layers of secrets, and I was determined to get to know her.

I arrived at work, later than usual. It was 7 am, and I was usually here by 5. Maybe because the thoughts of Sara, weren't torturing my brain, maybe happier thoughts had replaced them.

NO. No one replaced Sara, how could I possibly think that. Every time I close my eyes, all I see, All I hear, is Sara.

Oliver stop. I reminded myself. I deserve to be happy, I deserve to want a life.

I am notified that it's my lunch break by the 3 subtle beeps and vibrations that my phone gives off. I get up, save my work and close my lap top. I walk briskly out of my office, and head to the elevators.

"Queen? What's the rush. Got a hot date or something?" Asks Lee, a co worker, chuckling.
I scoff and roll my eyes at his remark, and begin to walk even faster.

"Leave him alone." Retorts John, another colleague. I nod at him in appreciation and continue to walk. I quite like John, he's older than me, graduated Yale 7 years ago. But when Sara died, he was there for me, in a way no one else was. He didn't pity me like my family and friends. He told me to be strong, that I would be able to be happy again, one day. To not cut my life short, to live on. And maybe sometimes it was angering when he told me to "move on", but he always supported me. Maybe, I'll have to get to know John more too.

I go down to the 18th floor, but this time I know where I'm going.

I enter the office, "Felicity Smoak?" I ask looking to my right, hoping to see the blonde IT girl. And there she is. Once more, her hair held tight in a high piney tail, and her lipstick bright red.

"Mr Queen." She acknowledges my presence, looking up from her computer. "What brings you back to the IT department so soon?"

"You." I say simply, once again, a second smile appears in my face. Wow, I think to myself 2 smiles 2 days. This girl is remarkable.

"Me?" She laughs, as if she could never have fathomed my answer.

"You." I say. "I'm going to be straight with you, okay. I've been in a dark place, for the last two months. I never wanted to get up in the morning. I physically couldn't get out of bed. I didn't feel like I had a reason to live. And yesterday, I met you. You made me smile for the first time in 2 months. And you don't know how grateful i am. I just came here to say thank you."

"You're talking about me? You're sure you didn't mean someone else?" She babbles in an adorable way. I lift my eyebrow questioningly.

"I'm wasn't trying to imply that you were lying or anything. I mean, I just can't imagine me doing that to some one. And by that I mean making them smile...if you thought anything different." She continues laughing at herself. "I am so sorry, 3.2.1." She finishes.

"Don't apologize." I say reassuringly. "And yeah, you made me smile. Would you look at that, I'm smiling again." I say pointing at myself.

SHe giggles slightly. "Well is there anything I can do for you?" She asks, still wondering my reason for being at the IT department on my lunch break.

"Lunch. Me and you. Today. Right now. Does that sound cool?" I ask.

"Wait now. You. Me?" She answers my question with yet another question, her face puzzled.

"Yeah now, Big Belly Burger sound good to you?" I ask waving her in encouragement.

"Sounds good, the only thing is my lunch break isn't until 2 o clock." She says looking at her watch.

"Oh" I say. And I can feel my face fall. I might look overly disappointed, so I hear her continue,

"Maybe tomorrow. It's Saturday after all. We could go to Big Belly Burger for lunch?" She says. And instantly my features light up again

"Sounds great. Id love too." I say. "Pick you up at 11?" I ask.

"Sure. One problem, you don't know where I live." She says.

"Well then maybe I'll need your number." I say winking.

"Are you flirting with me Queen?" She ask smirking.

"Maybe I am." I say, taking the little slip of paper that she wrote her number on, and leaving the IT department, shutting the door behind me.


I leave the IT department, a smile glued to my face. But the all of a sudden it's wiped off, replaced by a frown instead. FRIENDS OLIVER!! A voice inside my head screams. "FRIENDS!" That was the deal. Just friends. I couldn't be anything more. Especially not two months later. But I couldn't help myself. She was just so damn charming.

Ugh, I thought, Felicity Smoak, you are ruining and saving my life at the same time.

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