Chapter 8

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It's been 7 hours. 7 hours since I met Felicity Smoak, the IT girl. But for some reason it feels like she's so much more than just an IT girl.
And when she said fixing my computer wouldn't be a problem she was right. She had fixed it and had it up and running, all my work saved, with in the the hour. She truly was remarkable.
I still have her In my head, 7 full hours later. I still remember her smile, her eyes, they way she babbled and how she brightened my day in an instant.
But yet I still felt guilty for my thoughts, my happiness. Sara had been the reason for my happiness for 3 whole years of my life. The reason I woke up in the morning with a smile, and went to bed the same day twice as happy.
And this felt knew, to be happy without Sara. To not be constantly reminded of her absence in my life.
In the last 7 hours Felicity was the only girl in my head. Because somehow, this quirky IT girl had made me happy, something no one had accomplished doing in the last 2 months. And she wasn't even trying to make me happy, like so many people before her; no she was just being herself, and something as simple as that, had brought the first smile on my face in months.
As I typed up my paper for Mr. Steele, thoughts like what is her favorite color? Or what is her favorite restaurant? Or what shows does she like to watch? Flooded in my brain.
I felt as if these ideas were wrong, that I shouldn't feel this way about her. I mean I don't even know her.
It has been 2 months since Sara died! 2 months! That's it, and here I am moving on. What has this girl done to me?
I wanted to hate her, for making me feel this way, for making me feel as if I was betraying Sara, but how can you hate someone that makes you happier than anyone else has in months?

My mind was so conflicted and I couldn't take it anymore. What are you doing Oliver? Sara was the love of your life. Your one and only. You know that! What are you thinking? You met this IT girl for 5 minutes today, how could you ever think of her as anything more than an IT girl? I thought, but another little voice inside my mind whispered, she's not just an IT girl. She made you happy! Don't you want to be happy? It's what Sara would have wanted. She wanted you to be happy. End of story. And you don't even have to date her. God Oliver. Stop being so stubborn. Friends Oliver. Friends. Just be her friend.
So then and there I decided, I couldn't just put my life on pause, just stop having a reason to live. Sara was still my reason to live, not this Felicity girl, because Sara was the one who said she wanted me to be happy, more than anything else. So, to do that, without betraying her memory, I was going to become friends with Felicity Smoak. To honor Sara's memory.

At least that's what I told myself

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