Chapter 7

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Another day. Another morning. Just like all the others it was bland. There was no color in my life anymore. I was simply "being", and nothing more.

I followed the daily routine, that had took over my life. Wake up to my alarm at 6:00 rather than a good morning kiss. Go for a run in the early morning before anyone was up, except now it was alone. Get dressed, suit and tie, and then head to work. Soon enough i would consume myself in the laws of our country, page by page, paragraph by paragraph paragraph, line by line.

This went on for too many mornings, too many days in a row.

"Fuck." I breathed out as I spill my coffee on my computer. "Fuck". I said a little louder, trying in vain to use tissues to get the wet, sticky coffee off my computer. "God damn it." I said, frantically pressing the buttons on my computer, with no success. The computer had glitched, it had froze. "Shiiiit." I said running my hand through my hair in frustration. Nothing I would do could unfreeze this damned computer. My boss wanted this paper done by this tonight, and the clock was ticking. I might have over reacted, but a lot was on my plate, and any little flaw in my life, felt like a Ton of bricks on my shoulders.

"Damn it." I say banging my hand against my desk a little to harshly. I shut my computer, pick it up, and storm out of my office, the door slamming behind me. My colleagues look up from there cubicles, as I quickly rush through the office, to the elevator. I stop and whisper into my boss' ear
"I just spilled something on my computer. Who should I go to?"
"Felicity Smoak." He responds confidently. "She's the best. She'll have it working in no time."
"Thanks." I answered, continuing to walk hastily away, the thuds of my dress shoes hitting the floor. I choose to ignore my colleagues judging looks,  and finally reach the elevator pressing the down button.

I press 18, to get to the 18th floor, where the IT department is. Hopefully this "Felicity" can figure out what's wrong with my computer, or not I am in deep shit with my boss.

A few seconds later I hear a small "ding" and the elevator doors open. I walk out, looking around, as many busy people walk with a purpose in front of me. I search for a few moments, and find a door with the numbers 1890 on it and a sign that says IT.

"There it is" I say to myself and walk through the door way of the office. I look to the right, and see a very blonde girl, her hair in a high pony tail, with very cherry lips, chewing a red pen.

"Felicity Smoak?" I ask looking her direction. "Hi I'm Oliver Queen."

"I know who you are. Your Mr Queen." She says quickly, almost nervous taking the pen out of her moth to speak.

"You know who I am?" I ask somewhat confused.

"I mean I don't know you, know you." She laughs, continuing to speak, "like I'm not a stalker or anything. It's not like I've googled you or done anything strange" she catches herself getting carried away, "...Like what I am doing right now...which will end... In 3,2,1." She stops talking for a moments. "I'm sorry." She says touching her forehead with her hand shaking her head vigorously. " I don't know why I do that, Anyway what I meant Is they talk about you a lot down here in the IT department. You go to Yale, but you're already a promising lawyer, I've heard." She finishes.

"Thanks." I say, smiling at the babbling girl in front of me. It's kind of cute really, the way she talked.

"So what can I do for you?" She asks, looking up at me.

"I was writing this paper, for Mr Steele, and I spilled a latte on it." I say handing her my computer.

"Really?" She says. "Well than your in luck. I will have this fixed in no time." She smiles at me, her smile is so bright, so contagious I feel myself smiling back.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. Oh and by the way, I kind of need it back by this afternoon." I say, my face looking apologetically at hers.

"It won't be a problem, Mr Queen." She says

"Thanks again." I say leaving her office, shutting the door behind me. And for some reason, for the first time, in a very long time I feel happy. Giddy almost, like there's this smile that's glued onto my face, and I don't know how to get rid of it. It's so sudden, one day I was moping around like always, and then one visit to that IT department and I feel happy...almost.

It's hard to feel happy when I know Sara isn't sharing the joy with me, but for some reason this mysterious IT girl was able to Make me feel something I haven't felt in a long time

Usually, I might feel guilt for being happy, when Sara's dead, like I was betraying her memory or something, but today was so shitty, that I decide to let that feeling go, and allow myself to be happy. I deserve it, right?

A/N. Yay!! Felicity is finally introduced in my story! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I would love it if you commented something nice, it would really make my day ;).

Next update is at 300 reads!!

All the love


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