Chapter 14

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These nights, the images that keep me up at night, are no longer Sara's face haunting my dreams. Instead they're  Felicity hurt face. The red in her eyes, the tears that went down her face. She was the last person I ever wanted to hurt, but she was the one I hurt the most.

We didn't talk anymore, maybe it was better that way. I no longer felt guilt about Sara, but I also didn't feel a reason for getting out of bed anymore.

Who was I kidding? It wasn't better. No it was far from that. There was just no way to make everyone happy! It's was just so frustrating. Sara bad been my life for 3 years, and Felicity had been someone I held dear, for what? A month? Less?  But Sara was gone and Felicity was here. Sara was never going to comeback no matter how much I prayed. I could still fix things with Felicity.

But I didn't want Felicity to be my rebound. She was a genuine girl with a pure heart. And I didn't want to hurt her even more. I didn't want Felicity to feel like a back up, because she wasn't. I needed to talk to Diggle...again.

I go to my phone, and hold down my home button.
"Call John Diggle" I say to Siri
"Call Bon figgle" Siri says in response. "There doesn't seem to be a bon figgle in your contacts." It responds.
"Call John Diggle" i repeat, articulating every syllable.
"Call joe digger" it says.
"Shut the fuck up." I say annoyed, going into my contacts my self and find Diggle easily. I call him and the phones rings.
"Hey, Oliver? What's up man?" He picks up.
" verdant tonight? Again?"  I ask.
"Yeah sure, I have to go sorry Oliver, I'll text you back later." He says quickly before hanging up.


It's 9 and I'm at the club. It's miserable, slightly to hot, the sweaty bodies of twenty something guys and girls pressed up on each other. Diggle is no where to be found. I sit at the bar, alone.
Where r u?!? I text him.
Sorry man, my phone died, I meant to tell you I can't make it tonight. My case got moved up a week, got a shit ton to do. Rain check? He asks.
Annoyed, I roll my eyes. Ugh... I sighed.
Oh well, I turn, to the bartender and put up 2 fingers, to signal a double shot. He nods and a couple seconds later he slides the drink to me. I hand him some cash and swallow the shot. I do this again and again until I've drank to much. Soon enough I'm drunk enough to forget my problems.

"Lonely? A handsome man like you should never be alone at club." A girl says seductively. She sits next to me, and touches my chest with her finger and continues "looks like you could use some company."  I'm too drunk to really register who she is.
"I'm Isabel Rochev." She says. "Oh and I'm also very single." She smiles, flashing her blinding white teeth.
"Oliver. Oliver Queen." I say.
"We'll Mr. Queen...why is a hot guy like you alone on a night like this one?" She asks.
"Umm... Just having some problems with my girl." I say drunkily, it felt weird calling her "my girl".
"Oh, so I suppose i can help." She says going towards me, kissing my neck. I moan, on accident and she says, "let's get out of here. You won't have to worry about this girl of yours for tonight." I nod, not knowing what I was doing. She takes my hand and leads me out of the club. I hear my phone ring, but I ignore it.

Soon enough were at, what I assume is her place. She leads me into her room, and the door shut behind us.

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