"Unknown Caller"

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"Brinnn. The house looks fine. I swear. Please sit down. Please," Aiden whined. I shook my head and went back to cleaning.

"No, because they're gonna be here in less than 14 days and this house has to be perfect for Jayy Von and Lord D. Vanity. Absolutely PER-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I picked it up from the table and became confused.

"Huh. Unknown caller. I'll put it on speaker. Hello?" I said quickly. What I heard next... it almost killed me.

"Hi, this is Jayy Von Monroe, calling for a Miss Brinly Jakobz, the coordinator of the upcoming ScareFest?" the voice replied. I was dying on the inside. I faked through the pain of my emotional and mental death and replied as professionally as I could manage.

"This is she," I replied maturely. I mouthed an "oh my gosh!" to Aiden, who was sitting calmly on the couch, then I started pacing. Pacing was my nervous habit. I glanced in a mirror and noticed that my face was red and it felt hot and that it was also as pale as paper.

"Our flight has been hastened. We be there in about an hour. Would you mind if we came by and formally introduced ourselves? If not we can keep the set date," he asked calmly.

Excuse me? I did not sign up for this. I am not emotionally prepared for this.

"Yes! That would be fantastic! Would you like for my assistant and I to pick you up? This area can be difficult to navigate if you aren't familiar with it," I replied professionally. Where did that come from?

"Oh, thank you so much, Miss Jakobz. That is so sweet of you. I'll see you in about an hour!" The voice said before hanging up.

I tried to hold everything in, but I knew I wouldn't last long. I walked calmly back to my room and sat down on my bed. Then I broke. I jumped up and climbed on to my bed. I began jumping and didn't stop until I lost my balance and fell on my back. I ran over to my IPod speaker and turned up my BOTDF playlist. I danced over to my closet and put together a cute and Daddy Fauston worthy outfit. I settled on grey, ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top, a bright blue, see-through tee shirt, my black and purple snapback and white Converse high tops. I sat the outfit on my bed and took a shower. After I finished with make-up and my hair, I ran to the car, grabbing my keys on the way.

"AIDEN! GET YOUR LAZY ASS IN THIS DAMN CAR RIGHT FUCKING NOW. I AM ON MY WAY TO MEET MY HUSBANDS. HURRY UP!" I yelled. Aiden came out in his same outfit. It didn't matter, though, because he still looked perfect; black tennis shoes, black skinny jeans, black and white snapback, tons of bracelets to hide his scars, and a black shirt saying, "My mind wanders, and sometimes it leaves completely." We arrived at the airport 15 minutes before their plane was scheduled to land.

I saw them approaching me and began to afflict myself with doubt that I could maintain a mature tranquility. I began ranting to myself and I tried to run away like a child. Aiden grabbed my arm and nodded. I straightened my posture and put on a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Monroe, Mr. Vanity. I'm Brinly Jakobz, we spoke earlier. I'm so excited to be able to have you perform at ScareFest. This is my assistant, Aiden Glaskov," I said lightly.

"Hello, Miss Jakobz! I'm assuming you know which is which here, not to sound rude but, I am the more attractive one. You can use our first names by the way. No formalities required with us. That outfit looks amazing, by the way. I love that you didn't dress formally. Most do," Dahvie smiled. I simpered, blushing from the unexpected compliment.

Then, Aiden ruined it. Totally ruined it. I guess embarrassing me in front of my biggest inspirations is fun for him. He frustrates me sometimes. I swear, there has never been a boy to frustrate a girl so much as him.

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