authors note

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Hey guys! First of all, thank you soo much for reading this! I legit put it up for my friends to see it and get some feedback. Then this morning, my friend was telling my grandma about his story, which has been up for 2 days and already has 70 something reads and I was like, woah, mine doesn't even have that many and mines been up longer! He turns to me and says, dude. Your story has over 100 reads and I flipped out and it had 176 like three hours ago and now it has 196 and I'm dying.

Anyways, to get to the point XD I'm thinking king about writing a sequel, or possibly a prequel. If I do the sequel it will focus on Aiden and Brin's life together and their friendship with Dahvie and Jayy. If I do the prequel, it will be a chapter per POV. There will be in for on Brin, Aiden, Dahvie and Jayy and every group of four chapters will happen at the same point in time. Let me know what you think!!!

By the way, all of you lovelies should follow MilesGriffin because he's a phenomenal writer and he's my friend.

Don't forget to smile today and love like never before because tomorrow could be too late.

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