"I Never Loved You"

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I woke up some time later, disoriented and cold. I looked around and had no idea where I was. I saw Aiden and Jayy and Dahvie. Dahvie must have called Aiden and Jayy. Then I saw him.

I hadn't seen him in three years. I had a protective order against him; he couldn't come within 100 feet of me, yet here he was, a measly ten away.

"Hello, sweetie," he smiled menacingly. I looked around in horror. Aiden stepped forward. He smiled the same smile as my attacker, the same one who raped me four years ago, when was 13.

"I never loved you, by the way. God, you're so stupid to think I actually cared. I didn't cut because of my dad; I cut because I'm stuck with you. Or, well. I won't be for much longer," Aiden sneered. Fear rose from within me and prevented me from even attempting to move. Diablo, my attacker, stepped forward.

"I heard we've been having some issues with sharp objects," he mocked.

I tried to crawl backwards, but I hit a tree. I was trapped. He was going to rape me and kill me like he tried to the first time. He had raped me, but I grabbed his knife and stabbed him, then punched him and knocked him out. I called the cops and they threw him in jail.

I called out to Jayy and Daddy, but they laughed darkly. I was so confused. Why weren't they helping me? Dad swore that he and JayyJayy would never let anything happen to me. And Aiden said he would protect me with his life.

So why were they helping Diablo? Couldn't they see he wanted to hurt me?

"It's her shoulders, sides and thighs that she cuts," Aiden reported. How did he know? Diablo laughed darkly and looked me over.

"Well, then. Let's have a look, shall we?" Diablo grinned malignantly. My mind went blank.

"Diablo... please... don't. I'm begging you; please don't do it again. I'll do anything," I pleaded.

"Aw. Guys, look. The baby's begging now. How cute," he mocked again. His eyes turned from amused to malicious. He might have been growling but there was no sound. His teeth were bared and he was crouched, like he was a predator about to pounce on his prey.

"And pathetic. Just. Like. You," he growled as he jumped on me. I screamed and tried to push him off of me, but he held my arms down; I tried to kick but Dahvie sat on my legs. Jayy came to my head and held it tightly in one spot. Diablo moved to take Jayy's position as Aiden sat on my stomach.

"You stupid brat. Diablo isn't going to rape you; I am," Aiden snarled. My stomach plummeted to the earth's core. I couldn't- no, wouldn't- believe he would do this to me. He knew I never wanted to have sex again.

I had told him less than a year ago, at my 15th birthday party. Our friend, Jake, was at the party. He had a thing for me and I had told him he was like a brother and it wasn't going to happen, I just didn't like and think of him like that.

Jake was drunk and he kept trying to get me to be with him and I pushed it off as him being drunk, that he wasn't going to actually try anything. Until, after an hour of his drunken moves, he shoved me down on the bed. I told him no, that I didn't want to, but he kept kissing me anyways. I tried to fight, but he was a lot stronger than me. I screamed and Aiden came running in and pulled him off. He told Jake if he ever tried it again, he'd kill him. Then Aiden tried to beat Jake within an inch of his life. Jake ended up with a broken nose, but nothing worse than that. He went home and we haven't seen him since.

Aiden sat with me on the bed and listened as I told him my story and that I never wanted to have sex again. I cried on his shoulder and he held me and constantly told me it was okay and he would never let anything happen to me and that he would protect me with his life if it came to that. I cried myself to sleep in his arms and we never talked about it again.

Aiden pulled off his shirt and started undoing his belt. He slid his pants down, leaving just his boxers. I tried to scream but Diablo shoved a rag in my mouth. Aiden grabbed a knife from his pants pocket and threw his jeans along side his shirt.

He took the knife and made a small cut in my shirt, just below my belly button. After throwing the knife with the rest of the clothes, he grabbed two fist fulls of my shirt on either side of the cut and pulled. My shirt ripped in two, exposing my chest. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra after Diablo shoved me into a sitting position.

"Keep her there," Aiden commanded as he stood up. He pulled down his boxers and stepped forward. I bit down harder on the rag and closed my eyes. I thrashed my head, hoping to delay the coming torture. I tried to pretend I was somewhere else. Anywhere but here. I would rather be dead than be here, going through this hell.

Diablo jerked my head forward and yanked the rag from my mouth. Then he grabbed my jaw in such a way that I was forced to open my mouth. Aiden stepped forward, got down on his knees, and thrust.

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