"Psychotic Thoughts"

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 I was still reeling from the visit with David when we arrived back at the set-up. I couldn't hardly breathe and I was a blistering red. My hands shook vigorously as opened my car door. Beneath me, my legs were unsteady and threatened to pull me down in the frozen ground. I took deep breaths as often as I could muster and tried to focus on the preceding situation and forget about the past ones.

But I couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his face. David's face. Staring at me with accusing eyes. I watched as he died. I couldn't shake the unnerving image of my crush's dying father from my mind. I had seen dead people before, like at funerals and such, but I had never seen someone actually die. I saw someone's life drain out of their body. It felt like I had committed murder instead of merely watching what was to be justice against him and his family. The notion that I had killed him sickened me and made my skin crawl. Thankfully, Aiden interrupted my psychotic thoughts.

He took me to my makeshift office in my room and we went over the final details. I grew nervous as I realised that this was all really happening. I was overcome with joy and gratitude for the occasion. Immediately after everyone had left, around six-thirty to get ready, I felt very melancholy for the fact that it would all end so soon. I let a single tear fall down my face before I got up to ready myself for the coming affair.

I wore a dress that came just above my knees in front and back but came a little higher on the sides. It was black and sleeveless.The top went in a semi- straight line over my chest and had fake studs around the edge. There was a picture of a skull resting over two cartoonish bones in an x pattern. The dress had a strip of red and black silk resting over the top portion of the dress and folding around into a dividing belt. I wore shiny black tights underneath and a leather jacket over it.

I let my hair fall naturally around my shoulders. I asked Aiden's older sister Jessa to put some temporary white and red streaks in my hair. She complied, loving the chance to work with my hair. Jessa had always proclaimed that I had amazing hair and took every chance I gave her to style it.

My shoes were red two inch heels that made me almost as tall as Jayy and Aiden. They made me taller than Dahvie, so naturally, he detested them. I hadn't worn these heels at all yet, seeing as I had waited to deflower them on the night of their grand performance.

I became frantic with panic when I couldn't locate my accessories I had laid out earlier today. I had laid out about eleven bracelets and a necklace along with a pair of black rose earrings with a chain that connected into my upper ear. I had bought the items yesterday for tonight. I had even had my upper ear pierced for the chain. I wasn't into the fake shit. It was for wimps.

I finally found them in my desk drawer. I must have put them in the Scarefest drawer so I didn't lose them. Ironic. After I finished putting on all the accessories I walked out to the field. I had virulently underestimated the scene I constructed.

The field was dark, illuminated only by tiny lights strung across the field from the treetops to one of the hidden generators. The most light was from the flood lights hanging from the top of the stage body. There was a light, low lying, artificial fog covering the ground, and the lights only made it more beautiful. I saw the stage and walked slowly to it. It seemed too beautiful here to run and hurry.

The stage was so pulchritudinous. It was lined with stage lights and had its own layer of fog rolling of the edges. There were three mics and a blown up portion of my design for the ScareFest advertisement. The band was already set up and ready to go. I couldn't believe it.

The food section was just as extravagant. There was a huge ice sculpture of the sign for the event. I couldn't believe the amounts of food. I honestly could not have counted or named the long list of edible items laid out before me. I had previously hoped there would be enough food and now there was no doubt in my mind.

Just as I was examining the all the lights that reminded me of stars hanging above my head, Daddy and Jayy came running towards me with enthusiasm strewn all over their faces and Aiden was behind them. Aiden looked so perfect in this lighting. The moon and the lights made his eyes shine brighter than a thousand suns and his smile could have lit up the whole town. I had never wanted to be near him more than I did now. Vanity snapped my out of my day dream by pulling me into the dressing room area set up behind the stage. He threw me a glance that told me he knew what I was thinking in the field and I blushed madly as he smirked at me. We did a quick rehearsal before the night officially began. We finished just as the principal and school staff showed up. My hands trembled with nerves and I was more excited than I realised. Aiden came over and wrapped an arm around my waist. The gesture made my smile broaden to one that hurt my cheeks. I leaned into him and I felt- happy.

I really felt happy. I hadn't felt truly happy in a long time. I couldn't remember the last time I was genuinely happy, actually. I took in the scene I had created with the help of others and I thought I might cry. I willed myself not to as the staff took their places and inspected everything. Mr. Morrell, the principal, came over to talk to me.

"This... this is fantastic, Ms. Jakobz. I don't think I have ever seen a more amazing school sponsored event. How did you book the band? Nevermind. What matters is that you did and they came and everything is perfect. You know, I was thinking about this the other day and I was wondering if you might be interested in being the school's official event planner? I know it sounds boring but you would be doing things like this; getting dances and mixers together and booking bands and designing things. You wouldn't be doing it alone, obviously, but all the final decisions would be up to you. Are you interested?" he smiled, knowing I would take the offer with more enthusiasm than most.

I nodded my head vehemently and smiled brightly. Now all of this could last until I was out of highschool. And I'm only a sophomore. This was definitely going to be a good night. And finally, students, my peers, came pouring in.

And so the fun begins.


I was swept away by Aiden. He was telling I needed to do the introduction. I remembered my lines and I rushed up to the stage. Every one gave me a good luck smile and I walked on stage. The whole school was here. Easily 800 people. I was terrified.

"Hello everyone," I said into the mic. My voice was so loud through the speakers. Hearing my voice, everyone turned to the stage. All eyes were on me. Now I had to be tough. Brave. I could do this.

"Hello everyone! How are you guys? So tonight is going to be eventful so let's get going! First, we're gonna have an opening song from our band, Blood on the Dance Floor!" I smiled into the mic. I don't know how I got through that alive but I'm glad I did.

I got off stage and found the guys. Aiden was saying something to Jayy and Dahvie. He was saying he couldn't wait for the Secrets Revealed part. I looked at them suspiciously but shrugged it off. I rushed Jayy and Daddy on and they sang "Lovestrukk" and I fell in love all over again. After they came back off stage, we hung out and sang a capella and made fun of eachother. Eventually, I went on to introduce the band again for the concert portion of the event.

It was amazing. I was up there, with them. I sang my parts diligently and for once, I didn't care how I sounded or looked. I was having fun, doing one of the things I love with two people I love. My life couldn't have got better. My favorite was when we sang "Bewitched."

The last note hung in the air for a few minutes at the end. I loved every second of it. Of course I sang others with them, but that was my favorite. James later told me that his favorite part was when I sang Underneath by Adam Lambert with no one else singing with me. I was a little too nervous to relish in the attention.

My very favorite part of the entire night was the Secrets Revealed portion of the night. Nothing could ever compare to it and I hope I never forget it.

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