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Elsa's pov

After we watched the movie Kristoff had left and Jack thought he should give us some time to be together alone. So it was just me and Anna in the house.

We watched tv together for about an hour then Anna went to go shower.

And she said she would be extra careful this time.

All I had to say to that was "you better be.".

I saw that Jack left his wallet here. So I texted him.

Me: you left your wallet here. Want to meet up so I can give it to you?
Jack: sure. Meet me at Summer Park in 30.
Me: Kay kay!

I should probably change out of my pajamas...

Jacks pov

I got a text from Elsa that said I left my wallet at her house. I was already at Summer Park so I told her to meet me here.

I'm just walking around the park, then I hear my favorite person on Earth behind me.

"I warned you." A familiar voice said. I was being sarcastic. It was Hans.

"What do you want?" I say still not turning around.

"I want you to leave Elsa alone!" He said louder.

"Well we want to be together. Me and Elsa are boyfriend and girlfriend so it's time for you to back off!" I say even louder.

He looked startled. He didn't say anything. He shoved me. I shoved back. Then it got bad... We started a fight.

He punched. I punched. We went back and forth. But then it happened. -

(A/N mwahahahaha😈)

Elsa's pov

There was nothing left to do so I left to go to the park early.

It was a beautiful park. It was filled with forest trees and bushes with beautiful flowers. It was all natural. Nothing fake or groomed. It beautiful this way. The park was next to a large deep forest.

I'm waking around enjoying silence when I see something I never thought I would see.

Jack in a fight... With Hans. Them throwing punches back and forth. I run up to them to brake the fight.

"Stop! Stop!" I yell and put my body in between them.

Jack looked so surprised. I see Hans with bruises and blood coming from different places on his face. 

"You'll see me later, Jackson." Hans says threateningly.

"Jack?" I say and facing toward him.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." He said and ran into the deep forest.

"Jack!" I yelled and ran after him into the forest.

I was mad, but seeing him run into the forest the way he did made me see he was embarrassed and upset that he acted like that, so I'm willing to give him a chance to explain.

"Jack!" I yelled once more still running tying to find him in the deep dark forest.

Then I hear something creeping up behind me. I don't dare to look back. I hear heavy breathing.

"Look at me." Jacks voice said strongly. But he almost seemed scared.

"Jack?" I ask with no emotion.

"Look at me!" He repeats stronger. Still with a hint of scared. I turned around with still no emotion.

"Don't you see?!" He says strongly but sadly.

"See what?" I say and keep my chin up.

"That I'm dangerous! I'm no good for you! You've seen what I can do, aren't you scared?!"

"I'm not scared of you." I paused "There is nothing scary about you, Jack-"

"I hurt someone!-" he starts

""You hurt Hans! He's a jerk! I heard what he said before our date." I confessed. "I'm sure there was a reason hit him. I'm sure that it's not as bad as you think it is."

"I still hurt someone. Your not safe with me."

"Your the safest person I will ever be with." I say almost crying thinking he will leave me.

"Why?" He asking thinking there is still hope.

"Because I know you love me. And you will never hurt me. Never. " he walked closer to me. Almost fully closing the space between us.

"I love you." I say on the verge of crying.

"You shouldn't use that word so easily-" he starts

"I'm not! I love you! I love you, Jack."
He comes even closer.

"I love you, too." He says. And kissed me.

It shocked me, but I kissed back. To be honest this wasn't our first kiss.

Flashback {to 1rst grade recess}

"Wanna play family??" I ask Jack.

"Ugh. That's such a girly game." Jack whined.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeaaasse? I played super agents with you!" I begged on my knees.

"Fine." He huffed.

"And action!" I yelled and stood up.

"I'm home from work honey!" Jack said.

"Great! I need you to help me with dinner" I said and acted like a mom.

"I think your missing something, Els." He whispered out of character.

"What do you mean?" I whisper back.

"Don't I get a kiss for my hard work today?" He said with a smile.

"Ew, Jack. That's gross." I say with disgust in my voice.



"Pretty please?!"

I shook my head.

"A kiss on the cheek?"


"Behind the trash can?"

"Fine. But just because it will shut you up." I said.

I ran up to him and kissed him right on the lips.

End of flashback

We broke from the kiss.

"Can I have my wallet back now?" He said with a slight laugh and a big smile.

I laugh, too and take the wallet out of my pocket then give it to him.

"I'll see you later." He says and kisses me on the cheek before leaving.

Twice? In one day?! You saw it. I posted twice in a day. Again, not my best chapter, but a lot happened in the last two/ three chapters. Please forgive me for my writers block. I'll post another chapter soon.

Bye balloon babes🎈

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