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Important authors note at the end!

Jacks pov (that day after school)

The dismissing bell just rang and I'm making my way to my motorcycle.

I remember I need to go to Elsa's house to check on her. That reminds me of art scholarship. Gosh, what should I do?!

If I go to California, then I won't have to be surrounded by my family's wealth, but then I think of much much I love and will miss them. If I stay, then I can be with my family and friends, but then I will be stuck with my family's wealth and probably end up taking my dads company. If I go to California, then I will have my currier dream, but the lose the love of my life and our future. If I stay, then I will have my love, but I won't have that dream.

There is too many things to think about all at once right now. I think I'll just go over to Elsa's house and tell her another day.

When I get to her house she comes running out.

"Hey Jack!" She squeals and doesn't wait to hug me before I get off my bike.

I let out a sigh to myself thinking about the scholarship. I would miss this too much.

"Can you give me a ride on your bike?" She asks excited.

"I though you were sick!" I tease.
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell..." She starts trailing off. "I was sick... But I'm better now!"

"Okay fine."

She hops on the back of my bike and I start the engine. I can hear her startled small scream over the loud engine.
"Are you ready?" I ask.

"I guess so..." She says nervously.

I start the gas and we ride off around the corner. I hear Elsa's excited squeals along the way.

I didn't think Elsa would like fast rides like this. That's just another plus to her already perfect personality.

A light bulb goes off in my head and I make a sharp turn around the black and go straight. I see my destination and pull into the parking lot.

As I park the bike Els squeals-

"Ice cream?!" Excitedly.

"I thought it was only right to take my snow queen out for ice cream." I hole my hand out for her to take and way her into the shop. There wasn't a lot of people there but it wasn't empty.

It was one of those places where you would get up and pick your own ice cream and toppings then put it on a scale to weigh how much it would cost.

There was about a dozen different flavors. Strawberry, mint, chocolate, vanilla, birthday cake, cotton candy, cookies and cream, pumpkin pie, rocky road, coffee (A/N coffee is my life), pistachio, and I see Elsa picking the vanilla lactose free ice cream.

"Fan of lactose free?" I ask.

"Haha very funny. I forgot a lactaid." (A/N pill you take if your lactose intolerant. Idk if all of you guys knew.)

We sit in the table for two in the corner.

"So your lactose intolerant?" I ask eating my ice cream.

"Yeah." She says eating hers.

"Why haven't you ever told me?"

"I don't know. It never came up." She answered stirring her ice cream.

"Oh. So... About your surgery, what's it for?" When I ask that her eyes widen.

"I don't know if I want to talk about that..." She said not making eye contact.

"Oh that's fine."

"But you can... Come if you want. It's on Thursday and it would be all day." She invited nervously.

"Sure." She smiled when I answered that.

When we finished our ice cream we walked out of the shop. As I was about to hop on the bike Elsa asked-

"Can I drive?" Squealing hopefully.

I had to think about it for a second. Would I really let my fragile snowflake ride my dangerously awesome bike?

"Do know how?" I asked still thinking

"Sure." She shrugged. That worried me.

I gestured for her the get on the bike as I sit behind her.

"I mean, how hard could it be?" She says starting the engine and taking off.

I let out a small scream.

"Don't worry, baby, we're almost home." She says acting like I'm a child.

I roll my eyes and keep them shut until we finally pulled into her house.

Surprisingly we actually made it alive. And now that I think about it, Elsa's actually pretty good at riding bikes.

"Have you ever-"

She cut me off. "Nope." She says simply.

I grin at her silliness.

Anna's pov

I'm at Kristoff's house and we're just browsing on our phones and talking. It's better than being home, though.

I hate being home. It's always reminding me of my parents and how much I miss them. I'm always out cause I can't stand the memories. Even though I love Elsa, it's hard to look at an empty house were it used to be full of happiness and family time.

As I'm browsing the Internet and news I see an article that quotes-

'California shark killers refuse to stop the killings. Petitions going of all summer as the rest stand by beaches trying to save the Sharks'. I wish I was there. I would love all the petition and standing by the beaches.

Well, it sucks that shares are being killed, but it would be cool to do all that anti-animal-killing stuff. I would love to visit this summer. But that would never happen. We don't have the extra money for a vacation.

I put my phone on airplane mode to save battery.

Me and Kristoff's relationship is going great. We're very comfortable with each other. And we work well together.

I just wish we could get married and go live in California together. With Elsa an all our friends. But that would never happen and I'm too scared to ask so much of Elsa and zia. I can't put this kind of money and expense on them. I just wish.


You guys all deserve the bestest Christmas or holiday you celebrate. The best present I'm able to give you is this book and I promise to finish it for you and make it to the best possible. All I ask for you for Christmas is to give this chapter a star please! Comment what you got for Christmas! And if you have a love bird tell me too! Cause I reeeally want one for Christmas. I'll keep y'all posted!

Happy happy holidays my Christmas Santas!🎅

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