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Elsa's pov

"Ready or not, here I come!" I yell and turn around.

I don't know if I'm just really good at this game or we are running out of hiding spots because Jack is hiding under a lamp shade.

"I wonder where Jack is..." I say sarcastically.

"I've gotten her rattled" Jack jokes.

I take a few steps closer to him and pull the lamp shade off. "I found you!"

"Ugh, seriously? That was my best spot!"

"Told you I was good at this game."

"I'm pretty good, too."

My phone rang.

"Who is it?" He asks.


"That red-headed girl that's dating Hiccup?"

"Yeah." I say and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I ask the phone.

"Hey, girl!" She says funnily.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh I'm just at this party with Hiccup. We're having so much fun! You need to-" she pauses and gags like she is going to throw up. "You should come!"

"Mer, are you drunk?" I say more like a statement.

"What? No! I would never drink alcho-chocolate"

"I'm coming to get you, what's the address?"

"I'm not wearing a dress. "

"Are you wearing any clothes?!" Now I'm worried.

"Yes yes, just not a dress, lad."

"So what is the ad-dress?" I say and make it more clear.

"Not sure but they are playing tag! I got to go bye!" She said and hung up quickly.

"What did Mer have to say?" He asked curiously.

"She's drunk at a party and we need to pick Hiccup and her up."

He laughed and held his stomach.

When he caught his breath he asked "Whats the address?"

"Not sure she didn't say."

"There is a party at fourth street it's probably there. It's Eric Pacific's party."

"Let's check there."

20 minutes of driving later

We pass a sign that says "4th street". We're in a not so nice looking neighborhood.

Eric is eighteen and he lives in his own house. His family is rich but they won't give him money. If my family was rich I wouldn't let them not give me money.

We can hear the blasting music and guess which house it is.

We pull into the grass because the driveway was full of beaten up cars. I look through the cars and try to find Merida's or Hiccup's. I find Hiccups and it was pretty obvious. The license plate was "DRAGON1" and his car was black.

"This is Hiccups car." I say to Jack.

"Let's go inside. " he says leading me to the house.

The house was small and pale yellow. He opened the door to a house full of people getting their party on.

I look for Mer and Hic, weaving through the drunk partiers. I can't find them and I lost Jack. I huff out loud.

"What's wrong, baby cakes?" I hear someone say. I turn around a see a drunk Hiccup.

"Hiccup! There you are!" I say and run up to him and grab his wrist.

I pull him around looking for Mer. Hiccup stops walking with me.

"What are you doing, Hic, we need to find Mer."

"Only if you give me a kiss." He said and puckered his lips with his eyes closed.

"No, Hic, your with Merida! Where is she?" I say and yell at him. I can't believe he said that.

"She's getting her zen on." He said and pointed outside. I grab his hand and yank him outside in the backyard.

I see Merida and a bunch of other drunk girls sitting in a circle by the pool. I walked closer to the criss-crossed sitting group and hear them humming.

"Mer!" I yell. She looks at me and Hiccup and sees that I'm holding his wrist.

"Your trying to steal my boyfriend, you thief!" She yells.

"No, Mer. I'm taking you and Hic home."

"THIEF!" She yells louder and swings for my head.

I duck down and she falls over my shoulder. I'm pretty much carrying her over my shoulder.

"Mer?" I call out. I hear her snoring. She must have crashed.

Jack comes up and gestures "what happened?" I gesture back that I will tell him in the car. He grabs Hiccup and we walk to the car. We throw them both in the back seat and we get in the front.

"Where did you go?" I ask Jack. "I had to deal with them all alone!" And it was a lot of work, too.

"I lost you in the crowd. Sorry." He says and reaches for my hand.

I can't be mad at him. His hand touches mine and it's cold.

I look in the back seat and I see that Hiccup and Merida are both sleeping.

"We should bring them to my house so their parents don't see that their drunk." I suggest.

"Okay." He whispered and started the car "What happened?"

"Other than Merida punching, nothing. They just came right along." I don't want to tell anything about what Hiccup said.

"Oh, that's no fun." He whined.

"At least we got them and we are taking them home."

"Still no fun..." He mumbles.

Sorry. I know, I know, I haven't updated in a while and I have a short chapter to give you. Please forgive me! I just a a stack of books I want to read that I haven't even started yet so I wanted to give you something. I will try, at the very least, once a week to update you.

⭐️But if enough people tell me they want me to update more I will do it!⭐️

I love you guys and I hope you have a great day.
Bye my shooting stars!💫

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