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Elsa's pov

I've had no dreams or thoughts when I was asleep. But I never have dreams anyways. When I was younger I only had nightmares. Never dreams.

What's the point of a good dream anyways. To make you happy? The point of a nightmare is to teach you something! What is a dream going to teach you? I'd rather have no good dreams if it meant no nightmares. 

I woke up in a room that looked exactly like the one I was in before. But it wasn't. It was in a different part of the hospital center.  

I woke up but no one noticed I was a awake. I kept I eyes squinted. I wasn't ready for everyone to be hovering over my. I manage to see the clock. It's been three hours since I fell asleep.

I feel a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Does anyone know when Elsa will wake up?" Anna's familiar voice asks.

"Not sure. They said it could be from one to four hours." Hiccup said.

I hear stomping feet walk around the bed. I shut my eyes. I feel hands move my hair out of my face.

"I just want her to wake up." Jack says and I hear his feet walk away.

I still don't want to 'be awake'. So I squint my eyes again.

"The doctors say they will need a while to find out he results. They could take minutes, hours, or even days. " Anna says.

"Do you know why Elsa had this surgery?" Jack asks.

"Elsa has-" Anna start but gets cut off.

"Hey guys." I 'wake up'.

"Elsa your awake!" Anna shouts.

"So you finally decide to get up." Merida says.

"Hey! That was rude!" I say.

"What? You've been sleeping for a while." She argues.

"Good to be back." I joke.

We all laugh.

"I'll help you get dressed." Anna offers.

"Everyone get out!" She commands.

Everyone leaves and I was very hard for me to get up and move my legs. I can't stand really well but I felt I could have been able to.

When I was ready everyone came back in and so did the nurse.

"Oh, so your awake. Here drink this juice, you need fluids. " she hands me a grape juice.

"No. I have to go to the bathroom." I argue.

"You have to drink first." Anna says.

"I need to go to the bathroom!" I shout.

I don't know why I'm feeling so weird.

I pull the covers off me and attempt to get up. My knees buckle and I leave again the unstable bed.

"Take me to the bathroom!" I command.

"Okay I'll get the wheel chair." The nurse offers.

"No! I can walk!" I say an start to walk leaving my body on Anna's.

The nurse ignores what I say and pulls out a wheel chair.

"You obviously can't walk, honey. Sit." She commands.

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