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Jacks pov

I wonder why the art teacher wanted me in her room.

I walk into the quiet room and saw the art teacher painting in the corner.

"Ah, hello, Jackson." She says still paining.

"You can call me Jack. You called me?" I ask politely.

"Yes. I wanted to comment on your art. Your quite good. Have you ever thought of making it a profession?"

"Uh, no ma'm."

"Well, I think you should." She paused and got a paper out of a nearby drawer. "This is information for the California Arts school. They've seen your art and are offering you a full scholarship." She hands me the paper "But of course... You would have to move there."

I was speechless. There was so much to think about. 

"I'll definitely think about it. Thank you."

"Well, the school needs an answer by mid-summer."

I nod and she does the same.

I left the room and continued to my next class. There is so much to think about.

Of course I would love to continue in art and make a profession out of it, but I have so much here that I lost a while ago but I have it now, again! I don't want to lose it. Like, Elsa and Kristoff and Anna and Hiccup and Mer. And everyone else. I don't know...

Mer's pov (after school)

I've been waiting for Hiccup for about ten minutes now. He was suppose to take me to archery practice today.

I finally see him turn around the near corner, but with some girl. She had medium length blond braided hair and a leather head band.

She was twirling her hair and blinking her fake eye lashes at Hiccup. Ohh right when she gets close enough I'm going to punch her right in the face!
Or something better...

"Hiccup, I'm not feeling well. You were ten minutes late and I really need to go to archery practice now." I fake.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know! We were just-" I didn't wait for him to finish before I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward his car.

Nothing's better than making your boyfriend feel bad for doing something he did wrong.

"Wow. Your strong for a girl who doesn't feel well." Hiccup giggled.

"Yeah yeah. Get in the car." I demand.
He laughs.

He gets in and starts the car.

"So how was your day, Mer?" He asks, oblivious to my jealousy.

"Fine." I growl.

"Are you still going to archery practice even though you aren't feeling well?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

He noticed I was upset and stayed quiet the whole ride.

When he got to the archery range, he ran to the other side of the car to open the car door for me.

As I got out of the car he held my waist and brought my lips to his. This was our first kiss. We've been together for a while, but he never made a move. He's such a scaredy cat.

"Hi-" I started.

"I know your not sick. And I don't love any girl, more than you. "

"I love you, too."

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