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Elsa's pov

After my third torture session he had left again. He had left one small light on because the mystery of where I was was already revealed.

I saw my used to be white jeans now blood red after three hours of whipping punching and stabbing.

I have one stab in my thigh and one in my shoulder. I have red marks and cuts all on my bare arms. I feel the bruising and swelling in my face.

I close my eyes not wanting this to be the end. It can't be the end. I have people to live for. Jack, Anna, Merida, Hiccup. But I have people to die for too. Mom and Dad.

"Now that can't be a factor in your choice." A sweet voice says.

I would freak out but I have no power in my body to do so. I don't see any one or anything. I just hear a voice.

"What choice?" I whisper in a cry because my voice hurts from all the screaming.

"Your sitting here, thinking of which you should die or stay. Choose for the want to stay." The voice says.

"But I can't take this torture..."

"Don't take it for yourself. Take it for the people that can't live without you."

I think of Jack.

"And Anna and Merida and Hiccup too.  Many many people love you."

"I don't know about that-" I start

Then the door opens. And Hans comes in.

I'm still not able to see much but I can make out that he is holding a large bowl. Within a few seconds of walking in he immediately pours hot boiling water on my skin. 

Jacks pov

I pull in a block away from his house. I took my phone and dialed in 911 ready for my to call it right when I need to. I take a pocket knife out from under the seat on my motorcycle.

I walk into the porch of their house and slowly open the door. Unlocked door? Amateurs.  I hear Elsa's screams.

I call 911.  I tell them what's happening and where I am. They said they are coming right away. I walk through the house and try to find Elsa. I hide around the corner as I see Charlie leaving a room.

Elsa's pov

Hans had just left.

"I can't... Take it."

"Trust me someone's coming for you. Let's change the subject. How have you been doing? Before this..." The voice asks.

"Not so good. I have a surgery tomorrow."

"And your still going?" It asks again.

"Well I haven't eaten any solid food so yes. I can't miss this surgery. So if I make it out alive today, I'm still going."

"Your very strong, Elsa. I always knew that."

"I know. I'm just worried that after this surgery... Everything will fall apart. Everything I have worked on these past few months. Like school and Me and Jack. "

"Trust me, Elsa, after the surgery, everything will fall into place. "


"I promise."

Then I hear a scream coming from outside the door and things crashing. I don't bother to think of what is happening outside the door of this room I'm in.

"How's Anna?" It asks.

"I honestly don't know. She's not home much anymore. She often avoids being home. But other than that, perky as usual." I cough and giggle at the same time.

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