Chapter 15

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As we were walking around town, the townsfolk were pointing and starring at me and Johnney.

"They know that your one of the guys that fell from the helicopter." Johnney whispered.

"Where are we even going?"

"We need to visit the Mayor. He has something special for you."

"Thats weird," I said. "Don't even know him."

"I'm sure you'll remember soon enough."

As we were walking through the town, I saw something moving in a alley. I turned my head and saw a pair of white eyes in the shadows.


No. Thats something else.

{Or someone else. These people are acting a little strange.}

Yeah. They kinda give me the creeps the way they stare at me.

"GREG!!!" I saw tackled by a guy wearing full body obsidian armor.

"I don't really know you!"

"Really?" The man said. "Its me Tinkman!"

"Oh you! Yeah, sorry the armor threw me off."

"Yeah. Anyways the Mayor would like to give something to you!"

Tinkman led me into the mayors office. Inside, there was a ton of people at computers, searching up mods.

"The Mayor is through this door." Tinkman gestured at the door. "I can't go any farther."

When I opened the door, I saw the Mayor sitting at his desk looking at me.

"Hello there Greg. I'm guessing you don't know me?"

"Right now I don't."

"Well then. Maybe this will help." He clicked a button and his name plate popped up.



"Yes me. All I have to give you is this." He handed me a iPhone. When I turned it on, it asked who I was.

"Why are you giving me a jailbroken iPhone?"

"You'll see. But for now, your time is up with me. Go talk to my secretary."

Tinkman led me out of the mayors office and to the secretary's office. Aisha was sitting behind the secretary desk.

"Good to see you again Greg. I'm guessing your here to see what your phone does?"

"Uh... Yeah."

"Great!" Aisha exclaimed. "Well, the phone is a normal jailbroken phone, but it has the app command. The app command gives you the power to do any command in minecraft like spawning chickens."

I took the iPhone, and typed in /Give KingG45 1 taco. A taco appeared in my hands.

"Good luck Greg. Use this phone wisely." Aisha showed me the door, and I walked out.


So, hows it going? ...................... Cool. Anyways, I'm really excited for summer, and on this day 6/11/13 we are a head of herobrine slayers! So todays question is: Where did Alex move? Answer in ma comments! So become a peep, by





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