Chapter 19 (part 2)

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We had made it to the bottom floor, when Alex started screaming.

"F**K!! F**K!! Damage!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!" I turned and saw that Jeff was attacking Alex, and Alex was trying to fight back. "HAAALLLPPPP!!!"

/Tp MCFinestCrafter_Alex KingG45 and give me 5 golden apples

Alex was teleported right as he was about to die, than I handed him the golden apples.

((Its budder.))

Who are you!? I have to many voices in my head!!!!!

((I'm DJUnicorn.))

A Dj unicorn?

((No. THE DJUnicorn. I'm the author of this book))



Anyways, Alex ate the apples and starred at Jeff. They stood there, studying each other, until I broke the silence.

"How are you still alive!?!?!?! I killed you myself!"

"Thats where you are wrong Greg. You thought you killed me, but you just gave me a very fatal injury."

"So? How are you still functioning? You should be in a wheel chair or something!"

"The Brine gave me powers. He gave me speed, strength, and the ability to heal myself. How do you like that!?!?!" Jeff chuckled, than pulled his knife on us.

"Hows bout you leave us alone, before I kill you!" Alex said.

"Um, Alex? This guy doesn't die easily. PaulFrank said as she was walking away.

"Man I wish Zoe was here!" I wined.

"Why can't you just teleport her?" Alex replied.


/Tp KingG45 MCFinestCrafter_Alex PaulFrank123 to ZoeZoeZ





"WHAT THE!?!?!" Zoe screamed, than she fell out of her bed.

"Uh, hi Zoe."

"GREG YOU LITTLE-!" Zoe walked up to me and started kissing me. Sparks flew. Then she slapped me in the face. "YOU LEFT ME, THAN YOU SPENT ALL OF YOUR TIME WITH HER!" She pointed at PaulFrank.

"I would(no offense to PaulFrank123 at all. This is just how the story goes.) never EVER date her!"

"Right back at you Champ."

"Is there a problem here Zoe-AAAHHHH!! PEOPLE!!" A man named Decco6226 was standing in the doorway.

"Who's he?" I asked with some anger.

"He is a friend from middle school! And He has a name. His name is Darren!"

"Why are we fighting? We are all together now. No need to fight."

"Darren is right." PaulFrank said. "We are all trying to kill Herobrine, so why not work together?"

"Fine." I said grumpily. "But we need a team name."

"How about Herobrine Slayers?" Zoe asked.


"Here's one!" Alex yipped. "MC's Herobrine Hunters!"

"MC's Herobrine Hunters it is. Oh and Darren."


"Welcome to the team."


Okay, so I don't add chapter thingies after half chapters, which means this one need to be extra long.(not really.) Da question today is: Does anybody know what happened to Shaun? Oh, and I tried to add romance, but I failed and just said that she slapped him. =/ just like Jack Sparrow. Become a peep by slapping dat fan button with your forehead, and always





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