chapter one shikure tetsuko

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One day the new captain of the best basket ball team know as the generation of miracles, Akashi seijuro was looking for the other 5 members. There was murasakibara atsushi, kise ryota, midorima shintaro, aomine daiki, kuroko tetsuya and there new member the only girl to ever join the team and get accepted  shikure tetsuya the twin sister of kuroko tetsuya now unlike her brother she was a natural she could use misdirection, she played street basket ball, she could copy moves, she could jump really high, she never missed her shoots and she even had the empress eye now unlike Akashi's emperor eye, when used the empress eye her already red left eye turned her right sky blue eye red and her long hair turned jet black. Now she was no ordinary girl all the guys on her team fell for her some times they actually fell down Akashi "now where could they be" a few minutes later aomine kise and kuroko ran up to him yelling about how murasakibara and midorima were at it again.

 Akashi "kise stop crying aomine get a mop to stop kise and kuroko get shikure over there" Kuroko" right ill go right away". Shikure "eh why the hell should I che fine ill go get them" a couple minutes later she got to were the two guys were and started yelling at them then they stopped as soon as she started and said 'shikure we got a game today what are we gonna do" shikure "do what we always do win together' she said with a big smile on her face the day of the game midorima told shikure and kuroko to watch out cause Aquarius came in last today and told them they might have bad luck.

The ref told all 6 players to line up and as they always did they missed kuroko until he told them he was there and as usual it scared them silly kuroko played the first two quarters it was a great game but when it came to the third and fourth quarters kuroko was no longer invisible they could see through his misdirection. And so they called for a player change a sudden silence fell over the crowd as they tried to find the sub kid a "ha that's there sub this isn't gonna be a challenge" kid b" ha-ha your right if that little girl is all they got then there toast" shikure sighed as she went to take her position on the court as soon as they herd the buzzer she jumped so high that those boys jaws dropped she used misdirection and got a dunk in she said this 'welcome to the show". They played so well and when it was all over a reporter came up to them and asked them for a comment and they all said this "bring it on anyone well take you on together.

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