chapter three the truth

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They all star blankly at the twins and say this: wow its scary at much they look alike" teppei" nice to meet you im kiyoshi teppei" izuki" nice to meet you im izuki shun this is mitobe" takao" yo im takao kaznuari" shinji' nice to meet you im shinji koganei" the other members introduce each other to her, but she just stood there smiling and then she said" i think there gonna get started with the introduction and the explanation of the rules now so it was nice to meet you" a couple minutes later a man walked up to the mic and said: i welcome you all to this side championship despite your busy schedules as you know the winner gets 1000 yen(about 1000 dollars) and new equipment for two years if your wondering the rules are the same as in the basket ball your used to the championship starts two weeks from now i wish you luck and for those that were in the generation of miracles and there teams please come to see me after your done thank you". They all wonder what the sponsor wants but all go together anyway the sponsor welcomes them and says that he would like the generation of miracles to team up with kagami and play games together publicity it took them awhile to agree but in the end they said yes and kagami said he hates this idea. But he did it anyway cause it meant more time to catch up with shikure and ask her where she went after leaving America and said that alex would want to see her again but shikure said that she already talked to alex and said she was doing fine and that she didn't want to talk to her cause of her kissing problem, kagami agreed and said that there coach was a victim of that so they asked where they would be staying and so the sponsor said that the games where at Tokyo and that he rented an apartment for them. And so they all went with there suitcases to the apartments and kise said that he lived there before and that it was really fun because its private property so apparently the kise, midorima, murasakibara, kagami, kuroko, aomine and akashi were sharing an apartment with shikure so the rooms were like this (murasakibara, akashi) (midorima, kise) (aomine, kagami and kuroko) and so shikure was alone for tomorrow there training together started and so they all went to bed momoi and riko went to there rooms and all the captains of each team were in the same apartment so while everyone was asleep shikure got up and looked up at the window and said with a soft smile on her face "good night everyone".     

shikure tetsukoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora