chapter seven one week till compition starts

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and so Saturday finally came and kuroko was out side waiting for his sister a few minutes she came out of the apartment she said hello and kuroko did the same then he noticed that she wore cute clothes and for once looked like a girl she curled the  tip of her hair and wore a skirt then she asked him if she looked ok he said blushing really bad that she looked really beautiful then the others asked were they were going and she said the amusement park kise said that he wanted to go so in thee end they all went, kise went on all the rides and forced shikure to go on the scary ones like the roller coaster and he hugged her the howl time and she gave him a look to let go but he didn't but since she knew that he was really scared she asked why the heck he was so scared and told him that he just ate a bug and kise turned pale because he hated bug and said (screaming) that there so disgusting and that there so gross and that he never wants to ride a roller coaster again so when the ride was over kise ran to the bathroom (with tooth paste) and sadly dragged kuroko, aomine, akashi, midorima, murasakibara, with him but they were really mad and then satsuki and riko took her to the bathroom and then asked her who in the generation of miracles including kagami and she said that she didn't know cause she knew that each one of them had a crush on her RIKOS POV its true they all act different around her she obviously knows how lucky she is to have friends like that. SATSUKIS POV she most likely thinks that if she picks one of them the friendship between the other five i wont pity her i know she hates that, NORMALE POV and so they went back to the group with neither riko or satsuki getting an answer shikure saw that everyone was hungry so she said they should go back and she would cook something really good and they all agreed especially kuroko and the other guys because apparently her cooking was really good so they went back and sat in the living room and she asked them what they wanted and one thing came up curry she said all right lets do this she said that they also already had the things that they need to make it and she told them to not go into the kitchen while she's in there unless they want the head taken of accidently they all said that she was scarier then riko when she's mad so she went in the kitchen and thirty minutes she came out with a big pot of curry and asked who want to taste all of them raised there hands in thee end it was kuroko that got to taste it he said and they all said that was the happiest they ever saw him and they partied the whole night long.                                    

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