chapter thriteen test of courage

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The next day they drew lots to decide the teams and of course shikure was with THEM again she let out a heavy sigh and started to sulk cause no matter what she did she always got stuck with THEM it wasn't that she hated them but it was because of what happened  when there team brook apart so did her vision of them she felt rejected and she just ignored them all she had very few friends but after she started to sing she smiled se even had a band. Three hours later it was time for them to start the test of courage they all went to there groups and the bell went off as soon as it went off all teats were off shikure said that he hated the dark it reminded her of being alone just then a bug falls on kise's  face a crow began to chase murasakibara a bee started to bother aomine cause he was afraid of bee's then a black cat walked up to murasakibara and started to chase him all around the inn the they ended up going to the shrine to try to find the last checkmark so that they could get thee animals to go away kise said that bugs are all weird there so creepy and all of the sudden a dog came up and started to chase kagami around the shrine then they knocked at a door they didn't see before and to there surprise they found it and were the first team to arrive so they decided to play cards and had fun waiting for thee other teams to arrive they sang danced and played games shikure told kuroko to come and enjoy it before  e they had to go back and that his light was here and she told him that she will always be one of his shadow's and that he can always talk to her if he needed anything she will told them that in about twenty minutes the courage test would be done and that the teams that didn't make it in time would be eliminated imminently so they finally found out what shikure was scared of they all went to bed after the limit expired shikure gave them all a kiss on the cheek and said" good night everyone".                

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