chapter six hanging out again

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And so the next day shikure said that she would out all day and left early and kuroko was still sad from the day before so all of them except kuroko went out and fallowed shikure they fallowed her for about thirty minutes until they came to a dark ally there they saw three girl one of them had pink hair emerald eyes and wore gloves and, the girl beside her had very light brown hair and blue eyes wore blue and one of those shirts that go half way up her back, the third girl looked like a punk she had brown hair and green eyes the third girl turned around when she noticed they saw them talking and pulled out a gun the and pointed it at them the second girl pulled out a tube and it turned it into a retractable staff the first girl put up her fists and they all said "show yourself"!!!! So they all slowly walked out and  the third girl pointed her gun but now there were two guns kise began to cry and asked how shikure could know such scary people and then the first girl asked how they knew shikure some of them they knew her from middle school others said they just met her so the pink haired girl told the other two to put down there weapons she said that her name was sakura and showed them a 02 tattoo on her left fist and said that she is second ranking in there "gang " and in charge of the medics and that her full name was sakura haruno that the second girl was third ranking she was in charge of information and that her name was shizue asashi and showed them her tattoo witch was right above her waist the fourth girl was Japanese but came from Australia and was part English and that she was in charge of weapons and her name was alice kozuki and showed them her tattoo on the back of her neck. So then shikure walked up to them and said "well you found out my secret what are you gonna do now?" they all looked and kuroko was right there and he was and said that they would not tell anyone, and that is was there secret so shikure agreed and let them go and told them that she would explain at home. So two hours later she came back and kise started asking (yelling)who the other girls were and so shikure told them all to sit down they did what she said Shikures Pov(point of view) well there friends of mine and sakura was one of the doctors at the hospital from when i got injured and that she and i became great friends then i looked up people who could help me find a good place for rehab and so that's when me and shizue became friends then when i got there i met alice she sais that she was leaving as soon as she drove me to the hotel and she did but she said that me and her were now friends shikure said that she was sorry for yelling at kuroko and said that they could go out tomorrow for it was Saturday.                             

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