Chapter three

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I let out a breath of relief when my house came into view. The sun was just setting, and I looked around. My blood was cleared off the ground, and my car still sat where I left it. I walked towards it and climbed on top of the hood. I should go to my family, but my thoughts were too unstable at the moment. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my car. How was I going to ever get him to forgive me? A weird feeling came over me, and I instantly knew I wasn’t alone anymore.

 “You are back.” I opened my eyes and sat up. Damina stood a few feet away from me. The events from a week ago jumped to the front of my thoughts.

“Hello Damina.” She bowed.

 “Mistress.” I jumped off the car and stood in front of her. For a long while we said nothing to each other, and then she jumped on me and wrapped her arms around me. “I was so worried something happened to you. I thought you were…” she sobbed into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.

“No I’m not dead. I’m glad to see you are healthy. What happened to you?” She pulled away and looked at me.

 “Master and mistress gave me blood, and apologized for the misunderstanding. Of course I forgave them, but it still hurt that they would think I would betray them so easily.” She sighed and wiped the blood tear from her face. “I’ve stayed here ever since that day. Honestly I was hoping that you would come back, but after the third day I thought you were dead.” I smiled and whipped her face.

“I am far from it.” She smiled back at me.

 “I owe my life to you.” I shook my head.

“You don’t owe me anything, but you do have my loyalty and trust as promised. All I ask is that you never betray my brother and his family.” She bowed.

 “The thought would never even cross my mind.” I chuckled and looked at the sky. The moon was coming out. “It’s beautiful out tonight.”

 “Yes it is.” I looked at her, and found that she was frowning at me.

“What is it?”

 “Your scent is different.” I frowned. “Don’t get me wrong its intoxicating in a good way, but it’s one I’m sure I have smelt before. What…” I shook my head.

“It is better if you refrain from asking any questions of what happened to me this past week. Honestly I’m still trying to wrap my head around it myself.” She bowed.

“If that is your wish. Although I will say master royal may not dismiss the notion so quickly.” I gave her a knowing look.

“I’ll handle my brother.”She laughed.

“I remember mistress royal saying those same words. She has lost every battle against him. Physically and mentally.” I laughed.

“You truly don’t know who I am.”

“No I do-”

 “Aunty?” Damina and I both turned, and saw Michelle standing by the car. Tears were coming down her eyes. They were puffy, red, and had bags under them that showed she lacked some much needed rest.

“You came back.” She ran at me. I opened my arms and wrapped them around her as fresh tears came from her. I sighed and kissed the top of her head.

 “I told you I would come back.” A sob left her mouth.

“I’ll leave the two of you alone.” I mouthed a thank you to her and watched as she walked off towards the woods. I kissed the top of Michelle head again.

“Please stop crying. I am here now.” I pulled away from her and wiped her tears away. A small smile found its way to her lips.

“I’m so glad your okay. I wanted to go and find you, but my parents told me I had to respect your wish and let you go.” She coughed. “It was hard letting you go. When you didn’t return I thought the worst. I thought you were gone, and never coming back. I thought…” I put a finger over her lips.

Faded MemoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon