Chapter sixteen

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Serene P.O.V

I helped him sit up. “What do you mean Dmitri? What has started?” He let out a long sigh.

“Why didn’t you just stay away?” I cringed at his emotionless words. “I wasn’t going to sit back and watch my mate have a blade to his throat.” He turned and glared at me.

 “You should have. I willingly went to them for a reason Serene. They won’t stop until they have us. At least if they had me it would have given you and your family a chance to get away. Now they’re all going to die.”

“What aren’t you telling me?” He looked down at the knife, and pointed to the hilt. I leaned forward and studied it. One side was black and the other clear with a hint of red at the bottom. “What is that black liquid?”

“Demons blood.” My head snapped to meet his eyes that were his, yet they weren’t. “The clear side is actually a tube that is drawing my blood out and replacing it with demons blood.” I hissed.

 “Let me take it out!” He growled at me.

“You will not touch it!” I stood up and hissed at him again. He jumped up then and growled.

 “Why the hell not! I’m not going to let you sit here and have demons blood flowing through your body!”

I reached for it but Dmitri grabbed my arm and backed me in to the wall of the cave. When he slammed me into it all my anger was gone and replaced with pain. It was replaced by hurt. It was replaced by rejection. His face softened when he looked at my expression.

 “As soon as you touch it, a needle will be released and demons blood will be split between us. The slightest thing could anger us. We would be a danger to the ones around us Serene.” He let me go and I just let my arms drop, but I made no other movement.

 “I can’t allow you to harm your family. You will be there only hope against…me.” I frowned.

“What are you saying?”

“The organization will come for this knife, and then they will come for you. In order to ensure you safety you will have to destroy the knife.” I opened my mouth but he shook his head. “Yes I know I told you can’t touch it and I meant it. When the last drop of the demon blood is gone… kill me.” At his words my knees gave out. He caught me and set me down gently. He tried to pull away, but I held on tighter.

“Please do not ask me to kill the other half of my soul.” My voice was barely above a whisper. He kissed the top of my head.

 “You are the only one who can. You have to push the dagger all the way and pierce my heart.” A tear fell down my face. “Serene you have to promise me this one thing. Please. You are the only one who will be able to stop me, and I wouldn’t want to die by another’s hands.” He pulled back and lifted my head up. I stared at him through blurry vision. “Promise me Serene that I will die by your hands. Promise me.”I stared him in the eyes before giving a weak nod. He shook his head. “I need to hear the word Serene.” I closed my eyes unable to look at him as unwanted images floated through my head.

 “I promise you will die by my hands.” I dropped my head and finally allowed the tears to stream down my face freely.

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