Chapter twelve

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“Do it again you two. This time I want you to attack simultaneously. Don’t ever give your opponent a chance to strike for that may be you’re the last breath you take.” Michelle and Tanner nodded their heads at Siriniti, and then turned their attention back to me. I just stood there watching…waiting. “Remember what I said. Now on my count strike her again.” Each of them transformed. Michelle turned into a lion, while Tanner turned into a panther.

Turns out Tanner was a shape shifter as well, but his main form was a werewolf. Michelle was so happy when she found out that she wasn’t the only one of her kind. They immediately began to challenge each other and that’s why we are now training. Siriniti put each of them to the test individually at first, but she saw them as a bigger threat together.

“One.” Each of them got low to the ground.

 “Two.” They began to slowly circle me.

 “Attack!” Tanner jumped at me first. I side stepped his attack only to come into one of Michelle’s. She grabbed me by the ankle and pulled. I fell to the ground, and rolled out the way just as Tanner was about to go for my throat. Michelle lunged from me, but I flipped back out of her reach. I was now on feet and they began to circle again.

“Never let your opponents get the upper hand. Tanner you hesitated going in for the kill. If this was real you would be dead. Right now Serene is nothing to you. She is your enemy. Michelle stay light on your feet. You should have pinned her before she could even jump back. A vampire will not slow down for you. Instead you need to match their speed. Now attack again, and this time I want you to pin her to the ground.”

Each of them growled in response. As soon as I shifted my weight Michelle and Tanner both lunged for me. I rolled to the side only to have Tanner land on me and his nails dig into my stomach. I pushed him off me only to have Michelle take his spot. She had her mouth around my throat hard enough to draw blood.

“Do it now Serene.” I released my powers. I could now feel the earth as a part of me. I raised my hand and flicked my wrist. A vine cam down and wrapped around Michelle neck. I closed my hand and watch it tighten. Michelle let go of my neck and I rolled from under her standing up only to be thrown through the air. I flipped at the last minute landing in a crouch. Tanner had just snapped the vine that was holding Michelle. He turned and growled at me standing over Michelle protectively.

“Michelle is hurt and now left vulnerable. In a situation like this you take the defensive and stay near her, but far enough to where she is out of your opponents reach. Attack him with all you got Serene.” I stood and ran at him.

Tanner met me head on far enough from Michelle to where I couldn’t get to her, but close enough just in case he had to get back to her suddenly. He pushed me back and I slid across the ground stopping myself a few feet away. I began to circle him, but he wasn’t going for it. He made sure that he was between me and Michelle the whole time.

“Good job Tanner.” Siriniti appeared beside me and now we were both circling Tanner, but he didn’t back down. We stopped and crouched down ready to attack. In that moment everything went into slow motion.

Siriniti and I lunged for Tanner; before our feet could even make it off the ground we were thrown back, and just as we landed thunder boomed through the air. I rolled back and jumped to my feet. Damina, Tanner, and Michelle, who was now back on their feet, and were engaged in battle. Katani and Ashton were at the edge of the woods also engaged in battle.I turned my head when I heard a growl next to me. Three werewolves and one vampire slowly made their way to me.

 “We finally found you Serene Royal. Now you can either come with us willingly or we will take you and your family.” For her answer I pulled out one of the daggers from my waist and threw it.” Before either of them knew what happened the vampire head rolled of her shoulders and the body fell to the ground.

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