Chapter ten

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Hollow and empty were the only words to describe how I felt. One week has gone by. One week has passed since he’s been here. One week, and I was still confused. He hasn’t moved. Only the steady rise and fall of his chest is what kept me from losing my temper. I closed my eyes and instantly memories of that day flooded back. I could still see his face, the pain he was in, and the sight of those golden orbs staring at me. I sighed and leaned back against the wall of Michelle’s room.

His eyes haunted me. I grabbed my chest as I felt that familiar pain start. Why did his eyes bother me so much? I let out a groan of frustration and instantly regretted it. I haven’t fed in the last week and now I was paying for the consequences.  I couldn’t leave his side. I wanted to be there when he woke. I clutched my chest harder as I remembered his last words. After he fell unconscious I looked at the faces of my family, but none of them seemed to answer the unspoken question. Who was this boy? How does he know me? Why did he call me his…aunt? I looked up as the door slid open. Damina stood at the door with a frown and strained look on her face. She looks to the boy before her eyes met with mine. I cringed at the sight of her eyes. She looked…tortured. I slid to the ground keeping my gaze locked with Damina the whole time.

She closed the door behind her and slid to the ground never breaking my gaze. It felt like hours, though it might have been only a few minutes, before both of us let a strangled sigh.

“Serene…” I cringed at the pain in her voice. Damina finally broke my gaze and stared at the boy. “I’m just as anxious and curious as you are to find out who he is, but you need to worry about you first.” I instantly cut slits at her.

 “I’m fine.” Damina turned her head to me returning my glare.

 “Spout that ‘I’m fine’ bull shit to someone who wants to hear that. When was the last time you hunted Serene? Your skin is getting paler, no I apologize, you’re translucent. I’m sure master has told you that your body changed and now needs raw meat. When was the last time you had that? Can you answer that Serene?” she stood and ran her hand through her hair. “You can sit here and tell me that you’re fine and attempt to lie to me, but I know how you really feel. You need to feed.” With that she turned and left the room.

I just stared after her still surprised at how straight forward she was with me. After a while I let out a sigh. Though she could have handled that better, Damina was right. I had to make sure I was fine first. I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair.  I began to walk towards the door, and looked back at the sleeping form of the boy. When he still didn’t move I stepped out and closed the door silently behind me.

I walked down the stairs and out the house keeping my head down at the same. After the boy passed out I begged Ashton to heal him. The sight was one I never wanted to see again. The boy had black and blue bruises all along his whole body; some looked old while others looked fresh and newly made.  I cringed at the memory of it. He weighed nothing. Obviously who ever kept him only fed him just enough to keep him alive but too weak to fight back.

The more I thought about the state he was in, the angrier I became, and it showed. The first two days he was out I snapped at everyone. I used Katani on more the one occasion against her will, and I’m sure Ashton was pissed about it. If I was honest with myself I didn’t care. It wasn’t until the fourth day that I just didn’t feel at all. There was this hollow feeling except the burning, empty space where my heart was.

I clutched for my chest just as a picture of the boys piercing gold eyes came to mind. I still didn’t know why his eyes cause me so much pain. Every time I think about it I feel another part of me dying. I felt another part of what was left of my soul disappear. My head snapped up when I an unfamiliar smell crossed my past. I looked around and noticed that I was in opening near a lake that I was sure almost two hours away from the house.

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