Chapter five

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“You haven’t spoken since we’ve gotten back. Even your thoughts are empty. I just want you to remember that I am here for you.” I moved closer to him, using his body as a shield. When we got back to the cave I tried calling on Siriniti, but even she didn’t answer my call. They were gone. My family was gone. I let out a shaky breath. Dmitri also did the same. “I didn’t mean for you to lose your family Serene. It is my fault that-” I silenced him with a kiss. For a split second he hesitated, but began to meet me kiss for kiss. Eventually I pulled back and looked in his eyes.

“Do not take the blame of what happened to me. You are my mate and I accept you as such. If being with you means being without my family…then I will gladly do it a hundred times more.” I smiled weakly. “Looks like you’re stuck with me.” Dmitri kissed me on my forehead.

“What will I do without you?”  I shrugged and let out another shaky breath.

“I’m no longer a Royal.” Dmitri put his hand on the side of my face and I looked him in his eyes instantly getting lost in those deep green orbs.

“I lost you once before I could bring you into my world. I’m not going to make the same mistake. Will you become a part of my world Serene? Will you become a Valentine?” My body went stiff. Dmitri sighed at my hesitation. “You don’t have to answer me at the moment, but I do want an answer.” My body relaxed and I closed my eyes.

“Forgive me.” He chuckled.

 “You made no mistake, therefore there is nothing to forgive you for.”

“I want to go to your home.” Silence hung in the air, and I finally opened my eyes to find he was staring intently at me.

 “I understand if I’m-” His features softened and he smiled shaking his head.

“You are welcome to my home Serene. I’m just surprised that is the first place you want to go.” I pulled out his arms and sat up.

“If I remember correctly you promised a certain little human you would bring her to me.” Dmitri stood up pulling me with him.

“Alright then let’s go.”Dmitri grabbed my hand and led me out of the cave.  When we stepped outside the night instantly welcomed us. I looked to the sky and closed my eyes savoring the feel of sharing this moment with my mate.

“The moon is making it hard for me to pay attention.” I opened my eyes and looked at him confused.

 “Why do you say that?” He turned his head forward smiling.

 “The rays of the moon are making you glow. You truly are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.” I chuckled.

“I know of a creature that is just as beautiful.” He turned towards me with a raised eyebrow.

“Is that so?” I nodded my head and turned forward.

“Are you going to tell me?” I shook my head trying hard to keep from laughing. “I do not like guessing games love.”

“You are not guessing if you know the answer.”

“That’s just it; I do not know the answer. I was hoping you would tell me.”

“There is nothing to tell.” Dmitri came to a stop and turned me towards him. I tried hard to keep my laughter in check. I failed. “Do you want to let me in the joke I seem to have missed.”

“The answer should be obvious.” He crossed his arms. I did the same imitating his stance.

 “Are you going to tell me?”

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