Chapter Five

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Jean had nearly had enough of parties from the last one at Connie's house, but Marco somehow convinced him to attend another the next weekend.

"Why do you go to so many parties, anyway? You aren't exactly the best at keeping your alcohol down..." Jean said as they reached Connie's house.

"Well I don't usually drink so much. But somebody said I should," he teased.

"Hey, I didn't know you'd puke in a gutter!"

"Hey... We don't talk about that," Marco laughed.

They went inside, and it was immediately loud and obnoxious. Jean stared at Marco as he smiled, his eyes cast down to the floor. He always had on a smile, and it was quite amazing. Marco always did his best to see the good in both situations and people. He had a totally different aspect of life that Jean wished he himself could have.

"Hey, Marco!"

Suddenly, clouds rolled in and covered the crystal blue skies. The bright, abundance of sunshine that once existed seemed to fade away.

There actually was no sunshine, because it was nine o'clock at night and they were inside, but Jean saw something similar to it on Marco's face. His real smile disappeared, and the one that replaced it was forced and stiff.

The person who yelled to Marco intruded the two-person circle Jean and Marco had, creating an awkward-shaped triangle.

"Hi, Collin," Marco said. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, his body leaning slightly to the right, as if shying away from Collin. It was so subtle that Jean barely noticed. It seemed, to Jean, that Marco didn't like this guy very much. "I haven't seen you this year at all."

This Collin guy was taller than both Jean and Marco (who were about the same height), and had an overconfident stance. He wasn't sure if there was such a thing as an overconfident stance, but there was just something about this guy that screamed DOUCHE ALERT! DOUCHE ALERT!

Collin's grey eyes landed on Marco, and his thin lips tilted up into a smirk. "What, did you think I transferred or something, Freckles?"

But then Collin looked past them, and was shouting something to someone he saw on the other side of the room. Jean looked to the floor, and under his breath he muttered, "Freckles is my nickname for Marco..."

Marco met his eyes, still looking a bit like a nervous puppy. He certainly wasn't as easy-going as usual, and Jean wanted to know why.

"Right, sorry about that," Collin laughed. Then his eyes landed on Jean, like he was noticing him for the first time. "So who's this, Marco?"

"Oh, ah... This is my new roommate. Jean."

Collin jerked his chin up slightly, as if to say something douche-like, like sup?

Jean stayed silent, and decided to just nod instead. He wondered what Collin was majoring in here at this college. Honestly, at first glance, he seemed like he was more athletic than artistic. He had sandy blond hair that was cut pretty short, an angular jaw, and wore a football jersey with jeans. So, maybe he wasn't an actual athlete. Just a fan of a certain football team.

"Marco, I think I'm going to find Connie and Sasha..." Jean said, feeling uncomfortable with Collin now around. "I'll find you later, okay?"

Freckled Love (a JeanMarco AU)Where stories live. Discover now