Chapter Twenty-One

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One day passed. The hospital was able to get Marco breathing on his own, despite still being in a coma-like state. But everyone was somewhat happy for once. They no longer had to worry about receiving a phone call from the hospital with bad news. His condition just kept improving.

The weekend arrived. Jean asked Ashton to come down for the weekend, and he agreed. It felt so nice to actually have someone comfort him. To have someone hug him. Of course, Reiner and Bertholdt had hugged him a couple of times in the hospital, but the hugs were brief and awkward, despite their friendship. They just weren't that good of friends.

Ashton had hugged him tightly in his hotel room, and Jean buried his face into his friend's chest. He didn't mean to be so clingy and emotional. It just happened. Tears flowed from his eyes, even though he told himself he didn't have to be sad. Marco was okay. He was getting better.

And then they stayed in Ashton's hotel room, and Jean hugged a pillow tightly, just happy for Ashton's presence.

"My girlfriend is expecting me back early on Monday morning. I wish I could stay longer, though," Ashton said.

"You have a girlfriend?" Jean asked, his face lighting up.

"Oh, yeah... We've only been officially going out for a week or two. But I really like her..." Ashton smiled, running a hand through his light hair. "You should come down sometime and we can all hang out."

"I'd like that. And... Eventually, you know, I can bring Marco... And we can all go out on double dates." He had a smile on his face, hopeful for the future, but he was also sad. Wishful thinking like that could just get him in trouble.

"That'll be really fun!" Ashton replied, keeping a cheerful smile just for Jean's sake. Then his expression turned serious. "Jean... I don't want to turn things south, but... When do you think he'll wake up? The doctors said it would probably be soon, didn't they?"

"Yeah, they did... But they've been wrong before. They thought they could get him breathing on his own just two days after his surgery, but that didn't happen. I think it'll be soon, though. Before the end of next week."

"Do you think you'll be there when he wakes?" Ashton laid down onto his side, using his elbow to prop up his head. He had a smirk on his face. "Do you think you'll be holding his hand, and watch him come out of his coma, and share a nice, passionate kiss?"

"I can't tell if you're joking or if you've just watched too many romance films," Jean said, laughing gently. "I'd like to be there. But I won't kiss him. I don't even think I'll touch him. I think I'd just squeeze him too tightly and end up hurting him..."

Ashton shifted on the bed, still smiling widely. "I actually can't wait for him to wake up. I can't wait to get text updates about your relationship, and go on double dates... We should go back to that bowling place, too! After he feels better, of course..."

Jean smiled. "I can't wait, either..."

* * *

Jean's parents somehow found out about Marco. He thought about telling them, of course, but never actually got around to it. So when they called him frantically asking how he was, it came as quite a surprise. He agreed to come home for a bit. But only for one day. It was oddly comforting to be home, where he was fed all the food he could stomach, and comforted by people he didn't necessarily want to be comforted by, but accepted anyway.

"Do you want another sandwich, Jean?" His mother called from the kitchen. However, when she came into the living room, she saw that Jean hadn't even finished his first one. "What's wrong, sweetie? Aren't you hungry?"

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