Chapter Four

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Eren scowled. "Geez, sorry... You were the one who wasn't looking..."

Jean stiffened, but did his best to mostly keep his cool. He didn't want to mess with Eren at the moment. He'd never really liked the guy, ever since the first day they met. They immediately had opposing views, and had gotten into a small argument before Armin and Marco calmed them down.

"Whatever. Have you seen Marco?" He asked.

Eren adjusted his shirt collar, glancing around nonchalantly. "No. I haven't."

"Thanks anyway," Jean grumbled, watching as Eren continued on. Jean kept searching for the kitchen. It was less crowded than other parts of the house, but he didn't see Marco at all.


Jean stiffened as he heard that voice. It was beautiful, quiet, and smooth like honey. Sure enough, when he turned he saw Mikasa.

He smiled. "Hey. What's up?"

Her expression remained cold.

"I don't know what you said to Eren. But you should leave him alone."

What the hell? Is she really that protective of him?

"All I did was ask him where Marco was. Besides, he's the one who ran into me," Jean said, now frowning.

"Eren's an idiot. He gets himself into fights and causes trouble. It's my job to protect him. So if anyone ever hurts him, I won't hesitate to kick their ass."

Then Jean smirked, his eyes landing on the floor. "So, what, is he your boyfriend or something?"

"I-It's not like that!"

"Oh? And here I thought you were dating your brother. I guess those hickies were from someone else, then."

He could see Mikasa react the moment he said it, and he almost regretted it. She suddenly jumped towards him, grabbing the collar of his jacket with incredible strength, pulling him to her level. She stared intensely into his eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?" She seethed.

Jean grunted as he was pulled down, glancing around to see if anyone was around to see and help. Then again, he was a guy, and she was a girl... They'd probably say he deserved it.

"I guess his shirt does a pretty good job to hide them... But not all of them," Jean said. "They look new, too. I'd say yesterday afternoon."

Mikasa suddenly shoved him away, and then turned on her heels, going after Eren. Jean almost felt sorry for the guy. A really hot girl had a crush on him, but, in actuality, she was a psychopath. Eren probably had a good girl he cared for who gave him those hickies. Or, maybe it was just a one night stand. Who knew?

"Jean?" Jean looked up from the counter he was leaning against (or, was forcefully pushed against) to see Marco, holding two beers. "I finally found you! I went back to where we were standing and you weren't there."

"Oh... Sorry about that. I went to find you."

Then Marco frowned. "Hey... Are you okay? You look a little frazzled..."

"I'm fine." Jean quickly stood up straight, and accepted one of the beers. "Except I think Eren is going to die."

"Hang on, what?"

Jean explained the whole situation to him, starting from Reiner and Bertholdt, and Marco seemed a little nervous.

"Mikasa can... Well, she can be a bit much," Marco said afterwards. "She just wants to look after Eren. His mother died, you know, when they were very young. A terrible freak accident."

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