Chapter Twenty

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"Now, before you go, be sure to have a selected topic or painting for your essay, and turn it in online so I can offer some tips," Professor Ackerman spoke, standing at the front of the lecture hall. "You are all dismissed." 

Jean stood from his chair, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. However, just as he finished collecting his books, Professor Ackerman said one last thing. 

"Mr. Kirschtein? Could you stay behind, please?"

It amazed Jean sometimes that Professor Ackerman knew his name. Professors couldn't remember all names and faces, of course, but Jean was one of the lucky few that this professor did remember. His other professors, on the other hand? Not so much. 

Jean walked to the front of the room, to the man that was at least five inches shorter than he was. His stare was cold, but Jean had a feeling he wasn't called up there to be yelled at or anything of the sort. He was itching to get out of there so he could visit the hospital, but, according to Reiner and Bertholdt, Marco's condition hadn't changed. 

"Yes, sir?"

"Jean, the staff was notified early this morning of Marco Bodt's condition. I know you're close with him. How is he doing?" Professor Ackerman asked. 

"Oh, um, he's doing alright... He'll at least live..."

Professor Ackerman didn't respond, and Jean took that as a sign to elaborate. 

"He still hasn't woken up, but the surgery went okay... They're certain they were able to save his limbs," Jean said. "It'll take some months for recovery, and a few more for physical therapy, but I'm sure he'll be back to normal in no time!" 

His own enthusiasm sickened him. He didn't know if Marco would be fine. He didn't know if his limbs were saved. He didn't know if anything could really go back to the way they were. He just hoped. 

"His parents already pulled him out of all of his classes. I suppose that means he'll have to return for an extra year. He'll be a year behind."

"Yeah..." Jean said, biting his lower lips. He knew things wouldn't be easy. He knew Marco's life, once perfectly on track, would change drastically. "But it's okay. He's a really smart guy. He can double up on some classes, and study in the summer."

"Yes," Professor Ackerman mused. "Yes, I'm sure he'll do fine. Especially with such good friends." He walked to his podium and collected his things, preparing to leave. "Well, we will all have Mr. Bodt in our thoughts. And, as an educator, I suppose I'm required to ask one last question. How are you?" 

Jean stiffened for a moment. Even though, as Professor Ackerman said, he was sort of required to ask the question, it meant a lot to Jean. Ackerman was so cold and blunt, and yet he really did care about others. 

"I-I'm alright, sir."

"Will you be alright in all of your classes?"

"I think so."

"Hm. Well if you ever need help, you can always stop by my office. Even if it isn't class related." Despite his kind words, Professor Ackerman then let out a scoffing sound. "Now get out of here, Kirschtein. I know you're eager to leave."

"Thank you, sir..." Jean pursed his lips. "I appreciate it." Then he turned on his heel and began to head for the door. He thought it was really nice of his professor, and he knew how hard it was for him to offer his support and still maintain a professional environment. 

Jean checked his phone one last time as he got into his truck. No new calls or messages. That was good, sort of. A message could mean two things. It could mean Marco's condition had improved, or... It could mean something far worse. So, for the most part, no messages relaxed him a bit. 

Freckled Love (a JeanMarco AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt