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You know that feeling where you feel so helpless, so sad, and so fucking angry...well that how im feeling.

Since that day that me and justin stabbed each other my shoulder has been treated and is getting better. But than again the has to be 'but(s)' right? Well the but part is that I have not been fed for a week I have been locked in the basement.

To say that I was angry was an understatement I Selena Freaking Gomez was furious. I was fumming but the good part is that I have been keeping in touch with my family from the necklace.....but shut up dont tell okay ;).

I have been face to fucking face with these walls and I cannot withstand them anymore. Here in the basement is pretty dark no windows no nothing,nada. I have not touched water, yes I havent showered...yet okay yet.

I am weak as fuck from not eating and to add that Chaz and Ryan came on wensday and friday to 'punish' me. I have scarz on my body those bastards beat the living shit out off ME can you even believe that this idiots are beating me up.

I've been having nightmeres about Austin.

Damn Austin I miss you so fucking much if only you knew my friend if only you knew.

I have cried and cried and to think that nobody was here to console me was hard and painfull.





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