[6] The Plan

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"So should I tell Calum about it or not? He's going to think that I don't like him anymore."

"Carter, don't worry about it! It will only be enough flirting to get James to like you and he will invite you to the meeting." My sister replies, although it doesn't comfort me any.

"I have to warn him."

"No, you don't." My sister argues. I can see why she wouldn't want me to tell him, but making him jealous like this isn't going to help anything. I do still like him.

"Alison give her a break. If she wants to let him know some of what the plan is, she may as well. I know what he did was bad but a jealous guy is NEVER good for anyone around."

I gently smile at Alyssa before turning back to my sister who is perched atop her bed beside Alyssa and I.

She rolls her eyes. Internally I giggle at how much she's matured, even when her personality remains still. "Fine. He might ruin it though."

"We'll figure that out if and when it happens Ali." I stand up from the cot covered in the only purple blanket she chose to bring, and my legs ache from sitting so long.

"I'm going to talk to him. See you guys at dinner." I wave goodbye as they bid me good luck. That, I need. I thank them once more before heading out the tent and into the center of the camp.

I walk silently through Sugar Tree as I contemplate about what I'll say to him. A few people wave to me and say hello and I passively wave and say hello back.

"Carter!" I hear a voice behind me. The sound of quick footsteps in the dirt become louder as she gets closer to me.

"Hey Max!" I greet her, smiling genuinely.

"Have you seen Calum?" I blurt out.

"Yeah I think he went that way." She said, pointing towards where his family bunk was located.

"Okay. Thanks Max!" I half jog to his tent, not meaning to leave her hanging.

Out of breath, I finally spot a tall brunette wearing a Blink shirt and a red flannel.

I walk up to him as he's leaving his tent. "Can we talk?" I ask, glancing around me to make sure there are no unwanted ears.

"Yeah. I'm sorry Carter. I really am. I'll explain everything as soon as-" I cut him off. Silencing his apology

"No not about that. Come on let's go to the rocks." I pull his arm.

When we finally arrive at our destination, I've become more nervous than ever to tell him what we have planned.

"So.. The thing is-" I begin, stumbling on my words.


"You gotta spit it out Carter." He says.

"Shut up. So you know how you told me about that group? Well long story short, Alyssa was basically invited to meet with them and it was by James Carson.. Who told me I was- you know what never mind about that the point is I'm supposed to pretend to go out with the guy so I can get into those meeting and see what they are up to so we know what to do."

"Your parents are okay with this?"

"Did you think I told them?"

"Carter I don't think it's a good idea."

"Yeah well obviously it doesn't matter what you think."

"Seriously Carter?"

"Calum. I forgive you for making the mistake you did.. But seriously? You can't control me and you definitely can't control what I do in my free time. This whole experience is why we can't do this anymore. I can't trust you, I can't trust anyone. I can barely even trust myself.."

"I would do anything for you. Why don't you trust me?"

"For the same reason I don't trust any other guy. You guys think it's totally okay to break up with one girl for a prettier, more available one."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because it's happened to me. I've been broken up with for my best friend who was talking to him all along."

"I would never do that to you."

"Even if you wouldn't, does it really matter now? I'm supposed to flirt with James until he asks me to be his girlfriend and I don't want to.. But I have to."

"There has to be another way."

"There isn't."

"Well maybe you should go about it in a different way. Just tell him you're interested in going to a meeting."

"That's a good idea I guess."

"You're welcome." He smirks, moving closer to me. I step backward, tripping slightly on a stick that I didn't see before.

"See ya Cal." I wave goodbye before booking myself out of there. Awk-ward.



Holy crap this week as been hectic for me lol

Sooooo leave some votes or comments for Calum because Calum is life.. Obviously.

I'm really sorry that I've been so busy but soccer is starting up again and school has gotten crazy but I'll make sure to update soon ((:

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