[13] Return to Reality

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(Picture of Carter above)

We had spent the snow day building castles, snowmen, and all of the in-between. The snow was nice. No, it never snowed much back home but the few times it did and the times we vacationed in the winter I was familiar with the fluffy whiteness and its features. I loved that feeling you got when you walked back in the door of your house and your toes finally began to defrost. My mom would make us some real hot cocoa while my siblings and I would strip down out of our soaking wet clothes down to our long underwear as we started to feel warm and toasty and eventually sweaty.

The children here loved the snow because they finally got to be kids again. I loved the snow because it reminded me of good times and even better memories. I had almost wished that I was back home and drinking hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and a mountain of tasty whipped cream, but we didn't have those luxuries here at Sugar Tree. Which reminded me of my shift later today after the meeting.

Once a month we have a special meeting where everyone was encouraged to attend. Even the children around camp were given special seating at the picnic tables and benches so that they could hear what Mason and the other leaders were saying. I think that it gave everyone a sense of usefulness because they knew they were informed on what was going on and if there was anything special going on that said month. I was sure I knew what would be discussed today but I wasn't completely sure. Lets say that I knew what we should be discussing, not that I really have an input.

We needed to work out some major details on what was expected to happen any day now, and that was Julie's child birth. We think that she's around eight or nine months, so she could definitely go into labor any day now, and we need supplies for that. We need baby formula and diapers and clothes and whatever else you need for a newborn baby. I had also noticed we were running low on food items the other day when I was in the kitchen helping wash dishes. I knew exactly what we needed to discuss, and that was a raid.

I finally sat down beside my friends as Mason sped walked over to where he usually stood in front of us. I turned and smiled at my parents, which may have seemed awkward, but I had gotten so distant from them it was unreal. I guess with the situation I had sort of become more independent and didn't necessarily need them to survive on a day to day basis. I still loved them with all of my heart, but I didn't really need to talk to them that much.

"Today I think that we should discuss a serious issue, and that is that we need some basic supplies for Ms. Julie here who is expected to have her baby soon."

We all nodded as I looked over at the pregnant blonde who was blushing. I wondered if maybe her and Mason had a thing together, because they had spent an awful lot of time together recently.

"We're going to need a crew to send out sometime this week to obtain the necessary supplies, but we also need to stock up on some more things for the winter, which will be a later mission."

I looked over at Alison who seemed as nervous as all get out. I would be nervous too if I were her. Hell, I'm nervous now because of the stuff we went through the one time we went on a raid.

"You can see either Toby or Spencer to sign up to go. Please remember that if you aren't old enough to go, you'll know. We need experience here." He pointed back to a now standing Toby and Spencer.

I made a mental note to go and talk to them after dinner. I'm sure that I'll be able to go because of my dad. My sister on the other hand will probably stay here due to the events of the last raid.

"Meeting is adjourned. Thanks for coming out, y'all!" Mason speaks, before he opens his mouth for a final note.

"For those who typically work either rounds or tower watch, please meet me in the armory in a half an hour. We need to work out schedules." I sigh, because those meetings were pretty boring for me, who usually will go work whenever I need to. I liked being organized, but I've found that it really doesn't matter much anymore.

"Why can't he just tell us right now?" Alyssa asks us.

Kyle immediately responds in a hushed voice.

"Last night when I was on tower watch, Mason was up there with Alyssa's dad and they were talking about how they think we may have some intruders."

"What?" Alison shouts, before apologizing and sitting back down in her seat.

"I heard about the same thing." Ryder quietly adds, due to his shy demeanor he doesn't talk much but when he does it usually is straight to the point.

"Must be why they have two per lookouts." Chris glances around, probably double checking that his father wasn't listening in.

"And your dad hasn't mentioned anything about this?" My brother asks him, suspiciously.

"I swear it."

With squinted eyes, Kyle nods his head as if he doesn't believe what's being said.

"Well, I'm going to go and find Spencer." Claim gets up out of his seat as he waits for me.

"We'll see you guys in the A-shack." Sometimes we referenced the armory as the A-shack because there was always the chance that unwanted ears were listening, plus it sounded cool. Chris says he came up with it, but I'm pretty sure it was actually the teenager Max. She wasn't allowed at meetings but she was in there twice daily admiring the weapons. My sister had made it her mission to let Max shoot every few days but we had gotten so busy..

Side by side we walked in search of the two utterly most important people at this camp. Yes, Mason runs us, but Spencer and Toby basically control what's going in or out of here and everything in between.

Once we found out them and practically reserved our spots for the raid, Spencer talked in a hushed voice as she leaned into my ear.

"Someone at this camp isn't who we think. Watch your back." Before she pulled away and acted as if she hadn't said a word.

I nervously glance over at Calum, who must not have gotten the message. The walk to the armory is silent.



I shot a .38 Revolver, 45 pistol, AR-15, and a bunch of other guns this morning plus I went on a run so I'm happy lol

Hope ya enjoyed the update and also to clear things up, I don't only update on sunday. However I always update on sunday if that makes any sense. Basically I might randomly update during the week but I will still update on sunday

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-C <3

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