[14] Second First Raid?

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"The first thing that we need to address is the upcoming raid." David speaks in a slightly booming voice to attend to all of the 'combat' team standing inside the armor building. It wasn't a large building either. It was two large metal storage bins welded together by Mason and some of his pre-us team when they first started preparing for what happened. Guns were hanging and stacked on both longer sides, the entrance was one of the shorter sides of the rectangular aluminum tins and the other side was stacked high with plastic bins full of ammo. Other than the firearms, there were plenty of knives and miscellaneous weaponry accessories.

"I think our raid team will probably consist of a main six people. The next three will be guarding each of the entrances to the location. There will be people stationed inside of the vehicles we take, and at least one medic for just in case something happens."

"So, around twelve or thirteen people." My dad steps in from beside David and Wes.

I glance around at the twenty or so people standing in here. They forgot to mention that we can't all leave because then the camp would be vulnerable. They need at least one in the tower and a few armed people for if something could go wrong.

"We can work out the minor details over the next few days. For now, here's the schedule for rounds this week." I tune out until I hear my name.

"Carter Nelson, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Seven thirty in the evening to midnight." I cringe. Why do I always get nighttime shifts? I could be sleeping!

"Meeting adjourned. Thanks for coming out. Meet here tomorrow at the same time." Mason steps down from the podium and I wonder why he didn't say anything about what Spencer told me.

Everyone is filing out of the building, and I practically sprint to get out to find Spencer.

"Carter? Where are you going?" Calum says distantly as I pass by him.

I spot Spencer walking with Mali-Koa a few steps away.

"Hey Spence! Can I uhh, talk to you a second about the shift change?" I lie.

"Don't worry Carter, she knows." Spencer nods to my boyfriends sister.

"Why didn't Mason mention what you told me about, you know."

"Because Mason doesn't fully know about the situation."

How could the leader of our camp not know about such a serious situation? Do my parents even know? I know they'll be upset after what happened with Sam at the bunker.

"Listen, Carter. We don't know who we can trust with this. Try not to mention it to anyone. Calum can know, but not anyone else."

I make a mental note to keep my mouth shut.

"Okay. See you guys at the meeting tomorrow." I wave goodbye as I walk back to find Calum.



Happy Sunday!! I'm seeing 3pm tonight at my friends house ahhhhhhh

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ps I just wanna say that I'm so thankful for all of the people who read and interact with me and also if you ever need advice or someone to talk to I'm only a message away (((:

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