[11] Finally Normal Again

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(Pic above of Chris aka Dylan O'Brien)

Being that dinner is over, I face the facts that I cannot just go to bed early tonight. I have rounds.

Working rounds isn't that bad, really. However, right now with a full belly and sleepy eyes, I definitely am not looking forward to my four hour shift.

After checking in with Alyssa's father who is in charge of the security business of the camp, I retrieve my firearm from the weaponry and shove two small knives into each of my boots, a lesson that I learned the day we lost the bunker. Always be prepared.

The instructions I'm given for tonight's shift were to stay put at lookout C, which is basically a glorified treehouse that we keep an eye on camp from. Lookout A was faced toward the front entrance of camp, B was on the left flank, C was on the right flank, and D was on the back end of Sugar Tree. There was also a tower on top of a nearby hill that my dad spend much of his time looking out from.

Now don't get me wrong, I realize that working and doing rounds is something I just have to do. Mason and the other leaders have a motto for Sugar Tree if not anything else, it's that everyone contributes. Kids to the elderly are responsible for giving back along with their basic duties such as one day a week of kitchen cleanup for those not able for rounds and the people able for rounds are expected to do at least one day a week, which isn't bad. I on the other hand, typically work a few days a week because 1) I honestly have nothing better to do and 2) it makes me feel like I can be in control of what's going on, even though I can't really control everything.

As I finally arrive to my destination, I place one foot on the first makeshift ladder and begin climbing. The sound of the creaking wood occupies my mind and the soft thud of my gun which is strapped on to my back so that it is out of my way as I climb.

Breathing out the cool mountain air, I take my final step onto the ledge and yank myself up using the rail. In this moment, I subconsciously appreciate that I was holding on tightly to the rail because I'm not the only person in here.

"What the-?" I start, swearing under my breath.

"Oh. Hey Carter." The mystery person finally speaks.

"Chris." I realize who it is before I even see him. Chris was one of the people who worked rounds quite a bit, like me. I had never worked exclusively with him though.

"Why are you in here? This is C? My station for the night?" I question myself, it is pretty likely that I could have just came to the wrong place.

"Two per lookout for the next week. The tower guards saw a few randoms walking the perimeter. They didn't look armed, but they could be just as dangerous."

"Dang. Okay."

"Well, aren't you excited to get to work with me?" I could sense that he winked playfully, even though it was too dark to directly see his face.

"Well, why wouldn't I be excited?" My sarcasm dripping from my voice as I teased my friend back.

"I still don't get why they need two people in this little old thing." I mutter to myself.

"We take these things very seriously, Carter. We can't have our camp being taken over. Uh- no offense."

"None taken." I glance down at the wood paneled floor as I play back the memories of that day in my mind.

I sit myself down beside Chris. Not that there was anywhere else for me to go in this little shack.

Once finally settling down with my gun comfortably in my lap, I take a quiet deep breath and focus my sights on outside.

Dusk falls as my eyes follow the appearing stars.

"Ever heard the nursery rhyme about wishing on the first star?" The boy beside me breaks the silence.

"No?" I laugh to myself.

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might, wish upon this star tonight. Then you say what you're wishing for. Without telling anyone of course."

"Of course. How do you know that?"

"My mom, she used to always recite these rhymes and sayings."

"Oh." I didn't ask what happened to his mother. If he wanted to tell me, he would. It wasn't my choice to put him on the spot about something that wasn't any of my business.

"My mom, she-"

"Chris, you don't have to tell me if you don't feel like thinking about it."

"No. I want to. Anyways, my mom recently died actually."

"I'm so sorry Chris."

"Don't be, wasn't your fault. She was killed in a riot back home."

"This thing, whatever happened to our society, tore through everyone's lives. I hate it. I hate it so much."

"No kidding. It's like those shows where all they have to do is survive. It seems simple, but it sucks. I miss my Xbox, I miss watching SpongeBob."

"I do too, but I feel like maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe this was planned, and this is all part of our fate."

"Like that we started over because everyone was too ungrateful and selfish?"

"Maybe. Like when God flooded the earth. Maybe that's what this is."

"You could have a point Carter."

"I guess so. The weird thing is that I don't miss my phone. I like the fact that everyone's so disconnected. If you want to talk to someone, you really do have to talk to them. I like that I don't have any strings to anything, like my phone, or tuning in to watch my television shows on a certain schedule. I like the simplicity."

"That's spot on C."

After our conversation, I keep my eyes focused on the green of the mountains in search of any movement, but I guess that my senses took over because the next thing I know, I'm drifting off.

Instead of forcing myself to wake up, for some reason I stay put, letting the crickets and dew fall drown me to sleep.



I've been so nostalgic lately how did I even write this lol ok.

Happy New Years everybody thanks for sticking with me

Also I need to attach a character list but I'm lazy lol soon I promise



Ps I know I referenced a religion but that's okay because it's okay to believe in God but if you don't believe just remember to respect others beliefs (always)

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